Friday, July 24, 2009

Book of Buchanan – Another failed venture!

If you are writing a book, or planning to write a book for sure you know how to hype it up to get the best sales figures, isn’t it? Bitch about someone just smiled at you other day, talk about an affair with your nanny, degrade someone who is currently on his/her peak time, to the extend say you bedded your neighbor’s wife etc. these are few tips to entertain the readers as well as bring the much needed attention to the book. This ritual has been practiced for decades by number of writers and non-writers, and quite remarkable to see them happening over and over again. I am talking about those new writers who are seeking the public consideration desperately. Lately a sentry who guarded Michael Jackson’s house came out with a book accusing MJ as a gay! Next day his ex-nanny published another book claiming MJ’s family members are greedy for the treasure that MJ had hidden somewhere in closet, I am sure if the book has to be published a month ago MJ himself would be searching for this so called treasure that only his nanny knows! After all these hoopla what happens following the book hit shelves? The writer come up with the denial and says his book has taken out of context!! Hoping some more people will buy his book to elucidate who is right the writer or electronic media.

There is one more name to add to the list of writers who made the drone before their book release, it is none other than former Australian cricket coach John Buchanan. He poke at the sleeping tigers without any particular reason other than eying on book sales, as victims always should be big names; here too the story is not different. Buchanan questioned and challenged Indian dummy god Sachin Tendulkar, the wall Rahul Dravid, prince of Kolkatta Sourav Ganguly and probably less coloured them all VVS Laxman in his latest “fictitious” work.

I must admit the fact, I had lost the believe in Buchanan’s ability as coach in the light of his recent deeds especially his “non-performance” as Kolkatta Knight Rider’s coach in second edition of IPL! He was one of the most confused human on earth to come up with the nonsensical multi-captain theory, the whole cricketing world condemned it and made noise, Sourav Ganguly’s (then captain of KKR) fans showed their extreme anger by burning effigies of Buchanan on the streets of Kolkatta, unfortunately one person went unheard about all these buzz is the owner of the team Mr. Sharukh Khan. He paid the price for unwise ignorance in later stage but by the time damages has been done.

There was a strong reason why Buchanan turned as a confused bloke during his tenure with KKR. His Laptop affected by a weird Trojan virus, when he clicked on start button it shuts down the window, when he opened a site for long leg fielding tricks it opened long leg of a white whore in a porno site, clicked on program menu it went to the format options! To fuel the agony he is one coach who always rely on Laptop, what you expect him to do when his laptop is as confused as this? He too mystified just like his laptop and came out with a totally bewildered chap’s typical outlandish thinking!

To me a coach is only as good as the team he has. During Buchanan’s candy days with Cricket Australia, he had a team that in fact required a little prompting with an array of enviable talent. Such was Steve Waugh’s squad that need no coach at all, from the top captain Steve Waugh to the bottom Brett Lee knows their role correctly and properly, and eager to apply their share of contribution to the team. Aussies would be having lesser trophies than what they have now only if Buchanan had to open his laptop more often that he is doing with other teams he is coaching! Look at inaugural edition of IPL, Rajasthan Royals had no coach; they triumphed as champions with clever captaincy by Warnie and almost all new comers with high energy level to prove their worth. Each and every one of the team members knows their business only too well to be told anything at all.

Under the circumstances, Buchanan merely moved with the flow like a true blue blood Australian and stretched out in the reflected glory of the team. However during his tenure there were plenty of whispers of a discord between Buchanan and some of the senior players including Steve Waugh, and Shane Warne. Notably heard by outer world was Warnie’s voice, he had his own share of problems with his wife and girl friends, his marriage was on rock, following all these personal problems that nobody in the world could fix it, he came to the team to see this middle aged man doing nothing but chewing salad sandwiches in regular intervals and taking away the credits and splendors of team’s success! Warnie’s expression published in the news papers “an international team no need a coach” made a furor between him and Buchanan.

Nobody is questioning Buchanan’s right to express his views and expertise about cricket to the media, but he should be able to back them up with his performance. He got carried away with his own perceived importance during his tenure with KKR. Initially plotted and perished, drowned the team with him into mediocrity and failure!

Buchanan’s only success was he managed to keep himself in the spotlight with his amateurish blunders. After IPL disaster the man managed to get himself back on the news lines by allegedly “spilling the beans” act with English coach ahead of Ashes series. For a man who hailed as a greatest cricketing coach in the world following Steve Waugh’s amazing run of success, Buchanan exposed his triviality with his latest acts and statements.

Every publisher with sales figures in their mind will ask the writer to include a chapter or two with a little twist, sex. Classic gimmick to make pre-sale publicity is abuse someone who did nothing to the author. If accused is shocked, and the audience who heard about it is shocked, the book definitely going to be a hit! It is bound to trigger some controversies eventually book sales figures.

But let me tell you something, Buchanan’s book The Future of Cricket: The rise of Twenty 20 is a big yawn. It is not a literal work or any thing that sort. Some one asked him to write about cricket, he wrote it probably while high on drugs!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Martin Bashir – A moron behind MJ’s death!

Will I be punished for calling moron, a moron? Will I be put behind the bars calling a shameless megalomaniac in that term? If yes, I am ready whole heartedly to go to the jail to spend years; still if I get a laptop I will be calling him the same through all possible websites from the prison. He is not Martin Bashir he is Martin Bash-here!

Why do I have to hate this guy so much?

As everyone knows he is the one who painted Michael Jackson in filthy canvas. He is the one who ate, drunk and breath in Michael Jackson’s expenses for long 8 months for the sick documentary called Living with Michael Jackson which was viewed by 14 million in UK and 38 million in the US! He is the one who killed Michael Jackson!!

Martin Bashir is a British investigative journalist shot into fame by interviewing Lady Diana about her failed marriage with Prince of Wales for BBC in 1995. He came to wide prominence and grown as a celebrity journalist. He too had a small fan following, can be seen signing autographs in major celebrity events. In 1999 Bashir quit BBC to join ITV. ITV paid a huge amount of money for pulling Bashir into their side. As everyone expected Bashir has to show his metal very badly to claim his worth. He was in a tremendous pressure after few mediocre sensational news bits those fell flat. Then he came out with this idea of having interview with Michael Jackson in 2003 with the help of Uri Geller, MJ’s good friend and spoon bender. It supposed to be truth revealing documentary for MJ to show his innocence to the world about child molestation case, ironically, it became the reason for MJ’s downfall!

Uri Geller recommended the iconic pop star to the TV journalist. Bashir proposed that nothing be off-limits in this investigation, a proposal that was accepted by Michael Jackson. Little was known that this documentary would soon cause further scrutiny towards “Wacko Jacko” the name that represented the agonizing final part of his life!

Martin Bashir spent days and nights with King of Pop, he saw, felt and sensed MJ’s day in and day out. He literally lived in MJ’s expense. Knowing this journalist by his work with Lady Diana MJ just trusted this moron blindly and took him along wherever he goes. Concerts, meetings and fun filled journeys. MJ showed Bashir the amazing Neverland like never seen before! Bashir appreciated and promised MJ it going to be an eye opener for the world to know the King of Pop so close and personal!

Rest is history. Bashir’s documentary did exactly opposite to what Michael was expecting and hoping for. It fuelled the downfall of a greatest human being more than a singer, even faster. The documentary is still able to be viewed on YouTube. In these short clips Bashir’s ruthless and heartless attitude of journalism is revealed at the expense of the man who has been wrongly tarnished by the world. From MJ’s view it was like a desperate attempt to clear his name, but fait slapped him again by a fame gluttonous yellow journalist!

All love, charity and help that conveyed by Michael Jackson is conveniently ignored and edited by Bashir, instead he brought up, prioritized child molestation case! When MJ confessed about sleeping with kids but declined any sexual doings Bashir aired only MJ’s word of sleeping with kids! But that is not the main reason why Bashir’s interview is unforgivable. Watching the last part of the documentary is especially moving, as the ‘King of Pop’ has to explain himself regarding Bashir’s awkward questioning on Jackson’s children. Pleading that ‘love’ is being lost in the world, and his emotion perhaps cites his own childhood woes. It puts clearly into perspective, for anyone with a heart softer than a stone, the reasons for Michael Jackson’s special relationship with children. Bashir constantly asked about MJ’s numerous plastic surgeries, health issues, and didn’t leave without touching up on even his sex life! So this is what killed the greatest singer on planet. Constant loss of trust disillusioned Jackson with anyone close to him. After this tragic incident MJ frequently fired his housemaids and staffs, a sign of a man who entered in to a disturbed psychological status!

Martin Bashir earned a lot of money and fame by bringing down a man who always sung, wrote and spoke about love and affection. He literally dismantled the spirit of MJ, it’s only a matter of time before the body gives up. Michael Jackson’s camp responded with their own documentary “Michael Jackson Interview – the footage you never meant to see” Where MJ’s crews had recorded same interview with hidden cameras that even Bashir is not aware of. That is how the world came to know about a fox in a sheep’s garb! It clearly shows how Bahsir had edited and masked MJ's transperant answers and quotes, how he twisted the whole interview to turn against King of Pop! But still I doubt about its publicity and viewer ship that of compare to Bashir’s version!

Martin Bashir is an unethical journalist and an atrocious racist who love to do anything to glorify his own image and status, he is the one brought down Olympic Track Star Marion Jones, an American-African. And America is feeding his filthy belly by providing him a job in US network ABC. In fact it was United State’s favor to Bashir for killing it's own son!

Now Uri Geller says recomending Bashir to MJ was the biggest mistake he did in his entire life, and he considers it as a “betrayal”; perhaps I would say Martin Bashir was the epitome of canny, deceitful men that played a part in Michael’s downfall, and eventual death! Bashir has Michael’s blood on his hands, in his zeal to establish himself as prominent journalist he sacrificed a lovable human being.

The stain of MJ’s blood will never fade out from your hand Mr.Bashir, regardless of your constant approach to wash it off by saying “MJ is the greatest entertainer” after killing him brutally by your unscrupulous way of journalism.

The world that knows Michael Jackson will never forgive you! Never!!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Anna Kournikova - A make shift!

Anna Kournikova is still the center of attraction where ever she goes. In tennis court she moves like a cheetah every time before gives up to the opposition. A tennis sensation from the time she was a teen spent more time posing for the photographs than in the tennis court playing singles!

Now finally she made a make shift to do something better than she has been doing for years, no. I am not exactly talking about her tennis credibility but off-court stories. Her playing career on WTA tour finished long time ago. These days Kournikova focused on getting fans to look at her work rather than her style, but unfortunately her fans are like one big hypnotized community that will see nothing but her look, they apparently told her she can do whatever possible for charity but they will look at her as admirers forever and don’t disallow their rights to do so!

“I never thrived on attention” Kournikova said in an interview recently “I never was in it for attention.”

She is trying to shed her image as over hyped tennis player to transform as a good will ambassador. She became children’s advocate through her work with the clubs of America and other charities. Sizzling under the hot sun in suburban Philadelphia, Kournikova holding a small tennis clinic for a bunch of lucky kids who were learning the basics of the game from former Grand Slam Doubles champion. Actually she learnt the basics from some veteran tennis stars there around before go to the clubs to teach the youngsters! Kournikova should have put this endeavor a long time ago before coming in to the tennis arena, then at least by now she would be having more single trophies in her show case to replace those glossy magazine covers!

“With my name I feel like I have a voice” Kournikova said about her plans for visiting the troops in Iraq. Definitely we know she got a voice, otherwise she would be on losing side in that brutal cat fight that broke out in a night bar couple of weeks ago. A jealousy female sitting in front of Kournikova in the bar just threw a beer jar at her without any particular reason! Right, she was drunk, but how could some one do this?! The small crowed that witnessed the fight said if Kornikova only had a tennis racket, she would have finished that strange lady in first serve!

“Don’t swing so hard, I know you have got a lot of power” Kournikova laughed at a kid who was practicing under her expertise. She crouched to get eye-level while instructing the kid. One of the kids seems pissed off by her bossy attitude and way of talking asked his friend who is this lady. The poor chap didn’t have any idea about Kournikova!

“A lot of them just 8 years old” Kournikova said “they even don’t know who I am”

Moments later she was off to what she is best at. Photo shoot and promotional appearance at the mall, it was nearly interrupted by her huge number of male fans who got too close to Kournikova (hypnotized community) the security needed to intervene to rescue her at the end. Some of them behaved like zombies moving forward with rising hands, didn’t even notice the strong presence of security personalities! Kournikova whisked away to meet and greet, then shuffled off to a VIP tent to have more photos with sponsors.

Kournikova did everything she could possibly do except tennis. She was scheduled to play for the St Louis Aces against the Philadelphia Freedoms in the American-based World Team Tennis. Kournikova wore a protective band on her left wrist to show that she is injured and going to miss the season with wrist injury!

“It is ridiculous, terrible!” between bites of salad, green beans and carrots Kournikova said. The servant from the restaurant almost gone faint, his face became pale like a dead man. “Madam those are fresh vegetable…” poor fellow stammered for words.

“Not to you. I am talking about my injury, I am so bummed.”

Relieved servant gone ahead with his work without showing any embarrassment.

Kournikova has been linked to the singer Enrique Iglesias for long time now, but declined to talk about it when press asked.

Injuries cut short Kornikova’s playing career in 2003, and her latest setback was a reminder why she was never able to stage a serious comeback. “The body is already beat up.” She said. Sprinkling the photo shoot there and here is making her happier than playing tennis. She is the only tennis player in the world who is having more hits on the internet than with the tennis racket that she managed to do while performing.

“I think it is so cool” She said. “It was a lot of hard work; it was a lot of satisfaction for my family and me. It was also fun.”

Sure, she never won a major championship. But Kournikova feels she doesn't have to defend her career - even without an appearance in a singles final in any of the four Grand Slam events.

'It's true. It's statistics,' she said. 'But I look at my other statistics and they perfectly, happily satisfy me.' The press puzzled by her answer, few of them were discussing about it after Kournikova left for another photo shoot, what statistics she was referring to, tennis or something else?

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Michael Jackson’s Ghost – Is it real?

I was totally wrong to think that exciting stories of Michael Jackson are over! And while facing thousands of news and reality bits around the world through electronic media once again MJ strikes! This time with bizarre news of them all!

In the form of Ghost! I am sure few of you must of aware of it; Michael Jackson appeared in Neverland from beyond grave!

Fans of the late King of Pop are debating a sighting of a ghostly figure on CNN late last week as cameras were taken on a guided tour of Michael Jackson's Neverland ranch in California.

The bizarre footage shows the ghost moving across a hallway half way down the live video. The presenter reporting live and camera crew fail to see the figure.

Video and photo taken from the CNN 'Inside Neverland' Larry King Live special appear to show a ghost like figure scooting across one of the rooms inside one of the main buildings on the Neverland Ranch Michael Jackson used to call home.

Video of the Michael Jackson ghost is captured when the CNN camera is pointed down a long hall-way; suddenly the human shaped shadowy figure appears at its far end.

When I saw the video footage first time around it looked to me as if a shadow of someone walking outside, sneaked through a window. None of the CNN crew noticed it at the time of shooting, after seeing this paranormal figure in the video the king of pop’s fans started calling to CNN office to draw their attention to this peculiar incident, and news didn’t take much time to spread like a wildfire!

As usual there were debates and cross examinations. Let’s inspect this video methodically inch by inch. Let’s see if we can get the truth out of it.

If you look closely to this shadowy image moving left to right, the figure is not transparent over the chimney at the time it was passing. If it is really a ghost or supernatural figure it should be completely transparent according to the ghost experts! Someone came up with this explanations to clarify there is no ghostly act in this video!

Agreed, there is no transparent shadow over the chimney hole while passing it, but then it is a dark background (the Chimney hole) almost the same saturation and darkness of the shadow, so how will some one see the overlapped shadow in front of chimney hole? Not convinced enough? OK, let me make it more clear, face a wall while a bulb illuminating behind you, now you can see your own shadow on the wall, place your hand on your chest, can you see your hand’s shadow? Can you see your finger’s shadow? No! Never!!

Why the shadow is not extensive if it is coming from out side? It has to start from the window to cast over the walking hall. Look at the video one more time; see the shadow moving almost independently as if there is no physical intervention! And finally to destroy all our logical thinking capabilities; this shadow has a shadow!!! (Reflection) Look at the floor while the ghostly image was passing, you can easily spot a mirror image on the shining floor! It is incredibly chilling! CNN interview show was a live program, so there is no scope for stunt show or video editing! Incidentally I recalled MJ’s words that he said it in an interview.

“I don’t like to die; I want to live for ever!”

I am not sure whether it is MJ’s ghost though...

...then who was that if it is not MJ?

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Michael Jackson – Fake Mysteries!

It seems like Michael Jackson is making more news after his death than when he was alive. All sort of speculations, allegations and guess works are filling every Tabloid, Magazine and News paper columns! Thousands of journalists were going through mental depression because of lack of genuine news thread that capable to excite the public. Korean nuclear threat and Iraq blasts reached a point where it won’t strike an iota of emotions to common man’s mind while enjoying the bed coffee! Some jouro’s even thinking of a serious career change, few of them joined in world’s leading Porno magazines. I am sure they will shine in there because of the high imagination power and castle in the sky thinking capabilities. (My eyes got extreme round shape while reading the fake autopsy result that leaked out recently – highly inventive!!!) However Michael Jackson’s death turned out to be godsend for those depressed megalomaniacs!

Michael Jackson’s Nannies popped out from various pot holes from different corners, drivers, friends and even those who just saw MJ on TV too came out with stories. Those half baked narratives are missing on logic and fundamental aspects to make up a story too embezzled the central spreads and front pages!

As everyone knows Michael Jackson was broke in his late days, but then he was planning to have greatest come back with 50 concerts in UK, ambitious tour called as “make or brake tour”. Half fit MJ is any time better than those full fit buffoons who still rely on some stunt shows to stay in news lines.

There is strange news about Michael Jackson performing secret gigs for Arab Sheikhs (Kings) for $2.5M! One night concerts for millionaire Sheikhs and billionaire Russians in London can make MJ $2.5M richer! So what? MJ is an inborn entertainer and made chunk of money by performing in front of little audience, website that tried to tarnish MJ’s image even after his death by this piece of crap ended up rotten eggs on their faces! Add to their agony ultimately it worked in favor of King of Pop! The freaky web site creator never thought of having this boomerang effect when they published it! People around the world appreciated MJ for making smart money that too in too many digits almost every night!

Another column filler – Jackson accidentally killed himself!

Jackson's contract with the firm handling the 50-show tour stated that if the singer cancelled any concert, he would have to pay a penalty to the promoters. However, most contracts have a medical infirmity clause, whereby if a performer is hospitalized no penalty needs to be paid.

Author Gerald Posner says that a top member of the singer’s entourage has told him that Jackson wanted to cancel several shows without having to pay out his touring company.

Jackson intentionally took a large amount of prescription drugs to induce a trip to hospital, according to the advisor,

The advisor reportedly said: "Like a child who doesn’t want to go to school… Michael thought he could get away from his obligations if he had a 'note from the doctor'.”

Bullshit! I think this repporter should have gone to the school in order to avoid such an idiotic statement! If ever MJ wants to cancel a show it definitely can’t be the first show!!! He was practicing well and just waiting for the curtain raise with complete excitements of a 12 year old boy from Jackson five! It would have been made more sense if he swallowed those medicines between the shows!

Some speculations are utterly imprudent, One website has released a photo says “Jacko on Sunday” - three days after his death - although it does not show his face and there's no proof the snap is new.

Another says that the singer has been planning this for nearly a year-and-a-half and is now hiding in EasternEurope. However, there is no hard evidence to support these claims, reports the Sun. Another site has released a photo it claims is of Jacko, insisting the man who died on Thursday was the singer's body double with a terminal illness whose family will be looked after in return. Another one claims that Jacko's death is a stunt. "Once he is rested and ready will blow the lid off his own hoax and then embark on the most spectacularly lucrative concert tour in the history of rock 'n' roll."

Hopeless cases! No comments from my side!

Slightly believable story except MJ’s secret girl friend was from the King of Pop’s body guard Matt Fiddes.

"I never witnessed him actually taking drugs but I knew they were there and I confiscated packages, and Uri (Guru Uri Geller) did too," Sky News quoted Matt as saying.

"And Uri confiscated injection equipment from his room ... Uri would scream at Michael, you know, intensely, to stop doing this but we were getting pushed out.

"The doctor had such an influence over Michael that we felt our efforts were falling on deaf ears. As far as I'm concerned they have Michael's blood on their hands, they know what they've done and there's people out there who could have helped, could have stepped in but didn't do for financial reasons.

"We went to great efforts to keep the doctors away. But as soon as we said anything and it gets back to Michael, Michael would have a screaming fit that we were interfering with his private life, that he knew what he was doing and he was in denial," he added.

The 29-year-old further slammed reports that the Thriller hitmaker was gay, insisting that he met his secret lover on various occasions.

He said: "I'm not going to name who she is but I think the family were aware that there was someone special in his life who he loved and adored and had his ups and downs with. I don't know how long they've been a couple. I know she's been with him for some time in different capacities's up to her if she wants it to come out or the family to speak about this very private information."

Matt, who owns a network of martial arts schools around the UK, further said that Jackson was far from taking hard drugs.

He said: "Michael Jackson was not a druggie. There was no cocaine or anything crazy like that. It was prescription drugs and painkillers from what I understand."

Speaking about the childe abuse claims, Matt said: "The guy was so naive and so trusting ... we never doubted Michael, we knew he was innocent right from the start and what the real reason was, as far as we were concerned, was financially motivated."

I remember Michael was admitting in a TV interview that he slept with kids. You can literally sense from his eyes what he wanted to convey. MJ said he slept with kids, but never ever looked them or touched them in sexually exploiting way. The world failed to understand this honest man, or the whole world is corrupted to digest his excessively childlike innocence!

We are coming in terms with the world without Michael Jackson, but realized now how strong his hold were in common men around the world, despite of race, colour, country, region, religion and language people just loved Jacko so much so a dozen of them committed suicide following the singer’s sudden demise! As many as 50 callers seeking help from suicide prevention hotline Lifeline Australia have told counselors that Jackson’s death on June 26 has left them distressed!

MJ's fans have bought almost 300,000 to 400,000 copies of his albums and 1.8 million individual digital tracks in the three days after his death!

MJ loved his kids so much and he was so protective about them, his son nick named “blanket” saw his dad collapsing to the floor in central hall, the kid ran to him to get over him thinking that Papa is playing with him! Jackson looked at his kid's eyes and touched his cheek with a painful smile before he closed his eyes slipping into unconsciousness and eventually to the ultimate sleep!

Thursday will be his final, grand journey from Los Angeles to Neverland. Friday will be the big public event, with fans able to pay their respects.

Michael always said "Neverland kept me young" It seems fitting. On Sunday there will be a memorial service for his family and close friends to mourn in private,"

Good bye Michael. One last time!