Friday, September 25, 2009

Is SEX good for sports person?

Champions Trophy cricket match is going on in South Africa. Team India had a brief stay on ICC top one day ranking list prior to the champions trophy. Precisely 24 hours and 14 minutes. After their defeat to Srilanka in second match of Compaq Cup, India dropped down to second position again. I felt better when incidentally or co-incidentally Srilanka became the tool for making India No.1 again by beating South Africa in Champions trophy in their first match! It shows how strong a team was holding this position for healthy elongated years! Australia were real champions, they fought on the field and off the field, they sludge, they accuse, they intimidate to stay on top, eventually that is what matters, not the pathways you chose; most important is how you get there to become numero uno!

By seeing Indian’s recent performances, one will have no expectations at all that the team will manage to stay at No.1 position for long time; compensating prolific batting with pathetic fielding is not just acceptable by any standard! Sitter catches have been dropped numerous times in recent tournaments and it reached its height in Compaq Cup, Indians has this ability to dive right or left only after the cricket ball passes by them, a chasing scene of the ball and the fieldsman near the boundary lines are a common sight now a days and unmistakably always the ball wins!

I guess it is the appropriate time to remember an advice given by the former Indian Captain Mohammed Azharuddin who was a brilliant agile fielder at the time of his crest – “A fielder who saves four runs are equivalent to the batsman who scores four runs!” Can’t digest his entire view though, Azhar’s own records are not talking about his fielding abilities other than catches he took.

A section of media has devoted their precious time to excavate deep into cricketer’s bed room. Certainly they found some jewels and pearls. Now these media personalities themselves have been left puzzled after breaking into this century old debate.

Is SEX good for sportsperson or not?

One fragment of media said it is good if they had sex two days before the match. Another one said it is better if they had previous night so no frustrations on the field. And there is another new breed of Media who think sex an hour before the match in dressing room is much better than all mentioned above!

Coach Gary Christen felt more or less the same way; in his secret documents, the former South African opener mentioned all players should have their night-time partners when they travel outside the country to play cricket! It is compulsory just like your fitness regime and travelling bag! I still confused about the word Mr.Gary had used – Night-time partner? Ok, whatever it is, leave it!

Coach found very good improvement in players right after his strategy came to light, everybody was happy, some coaching staffs and commentators also urging to the authority to have same kind of lovely rules applied on them as well. Few commentators with dyed hair prefer this sort of set up rather than hooking up in the night club, for the reason that more often the night clubs are turning out to be hard hunting ground for these old lions! Here prey is ready to be hunted and come in polished package at their doorsteps. (Only in foreign locales – at home none of them has the balls to try)

After a year or so coach Gary Christen has a doubt, is this approach really working? The player’s performance had improved but not on the field. Oops! Back to plan A – No more night-time partners! A pace bowler with big Adam’s apple cried a lot after that very bad decision. He was so fuming at one point, trying to explain to some senior players – still how some of the players are playing well then? Is this the only problem causing bad performance on the field? Obviously his questions are gone unanswered.

Now Gary Christen is totally upset about the fielding standards of Indian cricket team, he is not blaming the fielding coach Robin Singh for wretched fielding performance by some of the players, he knows very well it won’t make any difference either, Robin Singh will have a guzzle of Kingfisher beer and throw a stare at the coach as usual conveying through eyes you watch your business – “Gora” (White man). Flashing red underwear on the field after skidding through the surface on boundary line created a lot of laugh and fun in the dressing room among players, now everybody is conscious about it as nobody wants to attempt it anymore.

In my opinion only one option left for Mr.Gary Christen to improve the Indian Team’s fielding competence, which is switching back to plan B! Tell the players if you field well you get your night-time partners back plus some bonus point for extremely well fielded cricketers! Like two night-time partners or something like that!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Is John Travolta guilty of his son’s death?

Whenever I think about the renowned Hollywood actor John Travolta, the movie reel in to my mind is the famous John Woo directed “Face Off”. Nicholas Cage was another equally talented actor to act with John Travolta in this movie. By seeing what American media is trying to do to John Travolta, I think they are enforcing to replicate the story of this movie in his real life! One of the best reporters in the business told me they would rip off his mask to reveal the real ugly face of John Travolta! A kind of Face Off! I am really confused here now, is it sensational journalism or senseless journalism? Is it right to tarnish somebody’s image in public just to get the TRP soaring for their particular TV channels and publications? These scavengers will be more than happy and celebrate these kinds of events like Christmas and Easter when a big name like John Travolta is involved. Someone even call it news show, not news time or news hour. When the news became a show? Is it having any entertainment value? Will people enjoy watching or reading the news about massacre in Gaza and Iraq? Is it enjoyable to know American economy crisis or bomb blast in railway stations and market junctions?

Let me not discuss about it here, or else I will be writing a lot more than what I supposed to.

A famous TV channel and a press came out with this bizarre news; John Travolta refused medical aid for dying son!

The news bit came to the press through ever leaking local police department, a paramedic Trino lightbourne involved in this case. In the beginning nobody heard about this guy, everyone raised the eyebrows at the movie star. Public likes to stone at someone accused for wrong doings, if it is a celebrity they like it even more. In fact paramedic Trino Lightbourne is the one took John’s kid Jett to island’s Rand Memorial hospital, the 16 years old kid pronounced dead on arrival. Everyone was sad, John was literally sobbing with few of his family members and friends, everyone gone back home after that very sad and shocking incident. Like John Travolta and his family; there was one more guy who couldn’t sleep that night; he is none other than the paramedic Trino Lightbourne! Not because he was poignant of the demises of a Hollywood star’s son, it hardly evokes any emotion to him since he has been witnessing a lot of cases like this almost every day basis. The whole night he was webbing a trap to take advantage of the situation, knowing from friends and relatives the celebrities are soft target for making money. As expected he came up with a brilliant idea (at least that’s what he has been convinced) before the sun rise!

Jett died suddenly after a seizure at the age of 16 in January while he was on holiday with his family in the Bahamas, John Travolta is having a house in Bahamas mostly used for short vacations and relaxing trips.

After seeing Jett collapsing down to the floor John rushed him to the hospital by an ambulance, seeing his son struggling to keep the heartbeats ticking, Hollywood star thought he could rescue him in America where he has got a lot of contacts and much better place to get higher medical attention and aid. Most of the famous doctors in US are good friends of the actor. He asked the paramedic Trino Lightbourne in ambulance to take his son to the air port instead of hospital in Bahamas, Trino requested a senior police officer Andrew Wells to witness the signing of a “refusal of a medical attention” form.

It is heartbreaking for any father to see his own son struggling to take breath and fighting with life, John changed his mind after seeing Jett’s condition as he thought he can’t make it to US; decided to go to the Rand Memorial Hospital eventually where the 16 year old died before the arrival.

Travolta been blackmailed by the paramedic for 18 million pounds; Trino Lightbourne threatened the actor if he doesn’t give the ransom, face the press and public with shocking revelation that he is going to make about Jett’s death. John wasn’t sentient of the threat the paramedic posing. “What the fuck you gonna do it to me you son of a bitch?” Let us forgive Travolta for using such a harsh abusive language given the situation and emotional aspects of a father right after the death of his son!

“You give me money that I asked for or else I am going to change your celebrity image in press and public forever! I gonna turn you to a real bad man!” Trino Lightbourne replied fearlessly!

A devoted father who lost his teenage son is now fighting with the law to clear his name from his own son’s murder! John Travolta got everything enormous, fame, wealth and whatever he ambitious for including the air flight pilot license. When tragedy stroked he got it double!

Watch this space for real inside stories – as Travolta’s 46 year old wife Kelly Preston is to speak about their loss at the California Governor’s conference for woman in October for the first time!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Harbhajan Singh - When will you learn?

Harbhajan Singh is one cricketer who would never leave the lime light even in his sleep, while he suck the thumb in a nice deep sleep you go there to his home with a video camera; strangely you can find his middle finger rising at you – this is his automatic reaction to the media that no doctor in the world have the clue about! That is Bhaji as affectionately called by his fans and friends! He loves to stay in the news regardless of the way how he gets there. Slap gate, spitting, abusing, kicking, staring…you name it; poor fellow had tried everything possible to get his name in the news! He makes even more news after realizing that he did something wrong and necessitates covering it with some crap.

Harbhajan has this uncanny ability to piss off anybody who comes close to him in a mile or so just like his co-player Srisanth! If Sri is a grenade then Bhaji is machine gun, he gets into controversies in rapid pace and enthusiasm that nobody could match. In very rare occasions these giant bulls likes to meet in a ring. Last time when they scuffle in a Wrestling called IPL Wrestle Mania; Bhaji won the brawn game by a huge margin while Sri thrives in brain game. The fearsome pace bowler cried in public like a baby who lost the candy to bring much required camera attention. Nobody had an idea why this beast is crying including the commentators, Kings XII Punjab - Srisanth’s team in IPL; won the match convincingly against Mumbai Indians, hoist the doubt of having him overjoyed tears! When they watched the video; someone in the dressing room found that shocking reality - Preity Zinta the bubbly owner of Kings XII Punjab cuddled every team members except Sri! Is he upset and heartbroken by this merciless act by the movie star? No. Not at all – Bhaji gave him a tight slap, this kind of brainless act can be done by only one person in current Indian team that is none other than Bhaji. Srisanth’s cry caused Bhaji hell of lot money, his burning desire to buy a HUMMER vehicle faded like a line in the water. He bought one this year though, took two more years to fulfill his wish! Even his much sort after HUMMER led him into another controversy for driving the vehicle on Indian roads without proper registration or documents!

In Australian tour Bhaji called Symonds (another short tempered cricketer) “Monkey”! It triggered a lot of controversies even prompting Indian team to pull off the tour! Good for Bhaji this incident took place before the Slap gate or else BCCI will not be buying his version of it! Bhaji refused any wrong doings with the backing of few senior players in the team straight away. He explained “I never called Symonds monkey but I called him Makki Chooth! He misunderstood my native language as an English word!” The explanation was taken, Cricket Australia convinced completely. Bhaji let go without any major punishment, some players in the Aussies side were furious and dejected about the judgment. Now readers in the west will be wondering what did he call Symo in his native language – Makki Chooth means Mother Fucker!!! A term that is much more abusive and offensive than Monkey in India.

No doubt there is a huge cultural gap between west and east. Most of the part in India monkey is god, in some northern cities there are thousands of monkeys living openly in temples and nearby areas. Snatching food and other items from onlookers and hurting people are not a news there, can’t abuse monkeys or smack them, because according to Hindu believes those are “athma” (souls) of dead people, it can be your own ancestors! Who wants to smack their own grandpas?

The word “Makki chooth” is been used by low class uneducated people in India in extreme situations. You can measure the individual quality of a man in Bhaji here! He is the one been awarded by Indian government with one of the highest honor “Padmasri”. Being too big to go and accept the award the off spinner chose to get entertained and shoot for ads with few friends also evoked ripple of controversy!

To add the last one to Bhaji’s ever ending controversy list is jabbing a camera person in Bangalore Airport after the camera man brushed against him while filming. Indian Television channels showed clearly the spoilt brat Bhaji hitting the camera after the camera man pushed forward while the player was retrieving luggage from a car.

Media in India is like bunch of hungry wolves constantly searching for some sensationalism or bits and pieces of celebrity news, may be they knows better how to extract a news out of Bhaji! Succeed in big time, channels celebrated and filled their news hours with this not so important news!

Again Bhaji is in fresh storm. Like everybody does now days to come out of the cloud he too came up with his own version of the story in his own blog.

I am facing the car, I have no clue what is behind me. The camera man is seen running towards me and the intensity and pace with which his camera clearly hits my head and it was not like just a touch, it hit me hard on my head and patka," Harbhajan wrote in his blog.

"I am very particular of being touched and hit at my head or my patka. As a prompt reflex, not even knowing what hit my head I pushed the object, realizing it after I pushed it that it was a camera. At no stage did I hit or slap the cameraman. Neither will I ever do it," he added.

But Mr.Harbhajan Singh, the camera eyes will not lie, it clearly shows that you are hitting the camera and staring at the camera man like a goon on the street! How long we people have to compromise on your behavior for your contribution to Indian cricket? Is there any problem with the way how you brought up or the transformation happened after you became rich and popular?