Sunday, May 31, 2009

IPL - Why Lalit Modi is smiling?

It was a brave decision to move the whole IPL in to South Africa. Every tom dick and harry had their own share of opinions, suggestions and demands. IPL chair man Mr. Lalit Modi had a meeting with Indian minister Chidambaram prior to IPL shift; Minister wasn’t ready to split his security force for mere entertainment reason over countries primary concern like election. He said the same to Lalit Modi in a very polite manner and requested him to change the IPL schedule to make it little bit later. Knowing the attitude of Lalit Modi, he must have asked the minister why they can’t postpone their election fuzz instead. End of the day both of them stick with their original ideas. Result - IPL in South Africa. Hip hip hurray!


Every body appreciated Lalit Modi for his brave move; in fact Modi had made a lot of contract with different TV channels, Ad makers and sponsors. Giving a due respect to the global recession he was scared to lose some of the clients if it postpones two weeks; plus it may clash with T20 World Cup that also going to take place in June. All his team owners including Sharukh Khan and Prety Zinta completely agreed with the idea of Modi. Mr.Malliya was “OK” for anything whatever Mr.Modi says. He always offered everybody a bottle or two Kingfisher weather there is IPL this year or not.


Finally it happened. IPL 2009 in South Africa! Modi had last laugh. He left an impression to his fellow business men that this bullshit called “recession” is only in their mind, it is just like a horror fiction by Stephen King without substance. One of Mr.Modi’s friends believed him blindly and invested his hard earned money for Real Estate business in Middle East; he may end up burning not only his fingers but also his… yeah, you know what I mean!


Modi was happy, Shipla Shetty and Prety Zinda were happy, Malliya was more than happy as always. Yeah, Sharukh Khan also was happy till his team Kolkatta Knight Riders gone out to the ground to play a game called Cricket. On the half way of the tournament Sharukh gone back to home saying T20 is boring. Dude, your players are boring to its core, look at Chris Gayle, one can forgive him for his sleepy look and droopy eyes, but man, he is making others sleepy too, now that is offensive, then comes Dada, he blink his eyes several times (batting eyelid 25 times in a second) just not to fall in sleep while batting, then Ajith Agarkar, did he ever wake up?


When I saw the first match of IPL I understood the fact that, Super Star of this edition of IPL is none other than Mr.Lalit Modi. He smiles, he chuckles, he laughs in rare occasions he pick his nose, he scratch his balls, oh my god, the camera men seems like just can't get enough of him. As a duty of commentators Mr.RaviShastri is the one competing for the first place to praise Modi, another commentator from Chennai also wasn’t far behind (I need two lines to type his name, and I am not sure still I will be able to spell it correctly either) When ever camera focus on Lalit Modi, he never fail to sparkle that special yellow smile. Once I heard Ravi Shastri’s comment about Modi’s “double mobile phone” conversations, yeah, you read it right; he was talking through two mobile phones holding in two hands!!

“Nobody knows how many more mobile phones Mr.Modi has in his pocket!”  Mr.Ravi, this is too silly comment to enlarge one’s image. Public felt pity on you to see your effort to magnify Mr.Modi’s image that actually degraded your image as a person who stunned to see some one is holding two mobile phones!


Modi didn’t stop there, he donate 100 rands each to 59 schools in South Africa to make Indian ministers jealousy, he want Indian public to prosecute the minister Chidambaram for not allowing IPL in India, and look what all the fortune India is losing, money, money and more money, Ad revenues, taxes plus a wonderful game of Cricket for public along with some semi-nude dances, some hard core IPL fans said they even can afford to miss cricket all together but not the cheer leaders and their weird dance steps, Mr. Modi should have had little sympathy on these people to keep only the cheer leaders and their dance in India!


If Mr.Modi thinks he made Indian government to regret for their stand against IPL this year, then I can only extend my warm condolence to Modi, Indian Government won’t give a damn about your IPL dude, for them you are another business freak from their home country with yellow smile and liked to be in camera all the time, if you want to have IPL in India, then it is fine, if it is not then it is double fine!!


Political or not, the show must continue, inside or outside India, let IPL steal the show. Don’t be so greedy to have two IPL in a year, too much cricket also can kill the interest of public, and Mr.Modi, next time kindly avoid the camera as much as you can, I am sure still there will be enough appearance to satisfy yourself during the match. Last time we missed some of the important bowling and boundaries; because camera man was busy showing your weird antics. And it is bad for you too, look at the picture those photographers caught! You too can't have a normal life that everybody is having and enjoying around you!


Thursday, May 28, 2009

Sreesanth – Is he a spoiled brat?

Sreesanth is the only cricketer who made it big from Kerala; one of the states from southern India. Strangely he is the only cricketer whom keralites hates the most now a days.

Is that his attitude pissing people off? Or it is his over aggression and animated celebration that he exhibits after every wicket he takes?


What ever the case, you hate him or love him, definitely you can’t ignore him due to his over expressions and antics he shows off as break dance in every occasions there are more than 3 people as a group.


A sneak look at his career - he is a cricketer with a lot of passion for cricket and break dance that he often expose with proud, on the stage when you see him doing ice walk of Michael Jackson, one would be wishing how if he just go away off the stage while doing the ice walk. 

He is very good with media. Talks well, most of the part will be praising himself that nobody can hit him for a six thrice in a row and stuff like that, but media also seems like possessing some likings towards him as an over spoken idiot and pretty happy to find some one from another field to better them in this department.


It was his T20 world cup appearance and those antics and abuse to his co-players made him a super star over night. He shoot in to the fame by hitting ground with both of his hands after taking a wicket of Australian Swashbuckler Andrew Symonds. Could you believe it? It was one of the strangest and weirdest ways of celebrating the wicket fall. Andrew Symonds didn’t like it so is Australian cricketers. He had pretty good tournament in the T20 world cup, that made him few bucks richer by signing some of the ad contracts and BCCI’s rewards (he was so kind to give almost half of those hard earned money by abusing players to ICC as fines). But clearly Captain Dhoni wasn’t happy with his uncanny ability to piss off anybody who just gets close to him. Sreesanth never had a habit to listen to anybody even his own captain, if captain ask him to bowl at off side he will bowl at on side, Dhoni often outsmart him by asking him to bowl at on side when he really wanted off side. This is how you manage a wild bull that doesn’t have control over his own power.


His dream run suddenly faced a dead end by getting a tight slap on face by his own team mate and opposite bowler in first edition of IPL. It was the funniest, saddest and hilarious moment in IPL till the date. Sree cried like a baby, all of a sudden this incident left millions of cricket fans world wide wondering is he the one jumped, grunted and abused the Incredible Hulk like creatures Mathew Heyden and Andrew Symonds? What if that slap is by any one of them? He may dissolve in their hands. Good for Sree though, they had much more patients than his own team mates Harbhajan Singh. He bowled really well after the slap gate incident and got the award for leading wicket taker in IPL 2008. Other side Harbhajan Singh felt he is the most idiotic cricketer in the world who got caught by police for breaking into a toilet! His dreams to own a Hummer H3 sink in Arabian Sea without a trace. His own people started hating him tanks to Sreesanth’s place in Punjab Super Kings.


It was not excess cricket that took toll on Sreesanths body; rather it was Australian’s curse and Bhaji’s disappointment, Sree looked more enthusiastic and fast when he show off those chimp antics after he takes a wicket than when he really bowl at a batsmen.


He developed tennis bowl elbow and out of the international cricket side for almost one year. As anyone could imagine; he is too good to earn friends as well as enemies though enemies weigh more in his case, unfortunately he earned a lot of them in media by not attending their calls and ignoring them completely like sh**. Even channels from Kerala started to hate Sreesanth, he always ignored the invitation by Kerala Cricket Board Associations to inaugurate some stadiums or attend a meeting. Common Sree, you should be more than happy for getting a call from authorities for something as good as opening a new stadium, or are you suspicious about your own evil hand that may turn the stadium as monument of bad luck?!


What made him so notorious? Why he doesn’t change? How has he got that ability to piss off people who get close to him? These are few unanswered questions the world faces today like global warming and Osama Bin Laden’s hideouts!

Mystery continues from the death of Adolph Hitler to Velupillai Prabhakaran!!

All dictators or terrorist’s faith and death have been mystery in world’s history.


The fear factor here is there are 8 people look alike in the world, how many Saddam Hussein we saw in Iraq. Saddam’s ditto, some suspicious events or function where Saddam fear for his life used to send his duplicate, same mustache and same built. That is the reason why iraqi’s where little skeptic and suspicious about saddam’s capture and death. Few people in Iraq still think that the one hanged by Iraqi new Government is not real Saddam but his duplicate, a minor part of the people living in Saddam Hussein’s birth place Al-Awja still believe their brave leader still alive and living with them as one of them!


Still now when a news camera spins in Iraq battle ground, I can point out two or three Saddam look alike.


The generally accepted cause of the death of Adolph Hitler on 30 April 1945 is suicide by gunshot and cyanide poisoning. The lack of public information concerning the whereabouts of Hitler's remains, confused reports stemming from the dual method and other circumstances surrounding the event encouraged rumors that Hitler may have survived the end of World War II.


Even after the autopsy, which (contrary to public reports authorized by Stalin in 1945) recorded both gunshot damage to Hitler's skull and glass shards in his jaw, Stalin was hesitant to believe that his old nemesis was actually dead.


Hitler miraculously escaped death during his power time not once or twice but staggering forty two times! Six of them are by his own men in his army! Every time he narrowly escapes, some time with minor injuries or no injuries at all. Hitler is one of the brutal and sadist dictator world has ever seen, still he had his share of luck, in fact a bulk share of luck!, so many times the bomb failed to tick or he make a walkout from the plot as if he knew there were a life threat, despite of all his barbaric act that he carried during his power time, he was brave human being; it was very difficult for some to accept his final frontier to death was scripted by himself. So, many thought he simply can’t end his own life!


Now we are living in 2009, leave Hitler and Saddam Hussein, there is a latest example for us to see in front of us through never sleeping media eyes, much stronger than before in numbers and technology or equipment wise.


Velupillai Prabhakaran, LTTE chief and self proclaimed leader of Tamil people around the world. He had tough battle with Srilankan Government for decades, first he resisted, then he attacked, atrocious aggression took place, assassinated even the ministers of neighboring country for differing his acts, he made his own people as his bullet proof, thousands of them died, injured lost eyes, hands and legs. He camouflaged among Tamil civilians in Srilanka and continuously attacked the army; Prabhakaran was living as one of the normal Tamil civilians in his last counted days.


Srilankan Army shot him down on his head; from the forehead his brain has been blown off literally leaving only the face in recognizable shape!


Strangely Prabhakaran was having his ID card with him at the time he shot dead; it is clearly written Velupillai Prabhakaran and his close up photo in LTTE uniform! Isn’t it mystifying, c’mmon folks, he is the one the whole Srilankan Army is aiming at, and he is the one killed number of ministers and political figures within the country and even neighboring countries! Why should he keep his ID with him when he was fighting for his life? If yes, why could not he change at least his name? If Velupillai Prabhakaran is the one who had given sleepless nights to Singhala Government in Srilanaka for years by his shrewd tactics and gorilla war; then why can’t he make a simple cheating that even a school boy can do on his ID card? Why does he has the same photo in the ID that Army and media is having? Is he a dumb enough not to try to change his own picture that millions of people already seen?


It is leaving so many questions than answers in one’s mind.

If Srilankan army wanted to make a strong point for killing their nightmare, then they had missed a gigantic logic that every Tom Dick and Harry could make.


But here too the phenomenal force of the nature didn’t fail to set a brutal ending for a dictator, a ritual that has been followed for centuries right from the beginning of Adolph Hitler!