Thursday, November 19, 2009

Why Sehwag looks ridiculous when he gets out?

First of all let me apologize for the brief delay caused by my untimed vacation. Frankly speaking I went for vacation to forget about everything that related to my hectic job schedule and recession that caused dear to my business. But unfortunately I was so worried and restless at the time of vacation than when I was at work; got back my breath only after I came back to work! No, I am not a workaholic by any stretch of imagination.

Lot of cricket happened during this time and still is happening. I heard a joke from Ravi Shastri during his interview to a sports channel – Amit Mishra should have played a lot of first class cricket before he play big test match like this against Sri Lanka. My question to Ravi, Amit Mishra is part of the team every where the team goes in recent time. He never got a chance to play but carry drinks and towels to the crease for the senior players, how the hell can he be picked for the domestic cricket when he is part of the national team?

On the other side; everybody felt Amit Mishra bowled in negative line throughout the match, not to take wickets but frustrate the batsman hoping any one of them will get fed up and hit the ball high to gift a catch. Sri Lankan batsmen were very clever and patient so who got frustrated are thousands of poor viewers who were expecting a good match and those ex-lads in commentary box. Eventually Mishra conceded runs more than any other bowlers! 200 plus runs! That is a lot!

India played against their new rivals Australia (now Pakistan can take rest) in their own backyards. Virtually second row team that Australia came up with, had a lot of passion and fortitude which Indian paper tigers failed to understand. Or did they underestimate? I still believe Indians would have won at least two matches that they eventually lost due to immaturity of few players.

Sri Lankans are in India to give a stiff competition and they are giving everything to win first ever test match in India. No big terror on the surface in Ahmadabad even on fourth day. If anybody wants to prove his batting ability that should be on this pitch, lovely batting pitch till the time I am writing this article. One will be wondering why the hell Virendar Sehwag hit that ball high and got out! Still One and half day left, that is four and half sessions of cricket. Definitely India is not playing for the win but a draw. Why did Sehwag kneel down to slog sweep at that point of time only to manage a skier?!

Answer – Sehwag never consider a spinner as a genuine bowler and never give the respect. When Sehwag scored 296 runs in Multan he hit a six to make it 300. When a press personality wondered and asked him why did he decided to hit a six instead of taking a single or double Sehwag replied in his own lazy way “ I predetermined to hit a six to make it 300 if I get a spinner on my 296!” Never had he thought about the fact that he will be the first Indian to score 300 in a test match and it requires a lot of hard work!

But it is the spinners who make Sehwag ridiculous and cheap when he gets out! Isn’t it?

1 comment:

  1. Still Sehwag is the most prolific batsman in Indian side now. If he think spinners are nothing. well, that is his view, and that didnt hurt him as a player. look at his records.
