I was totally wrong to think that exciting stories of Michael Jackson are over! And while facing thousands of news and reality bits around the world through electronic media once again MJ strikes! This time with bizarre news of them all!
In the form of Ghost! I am sure few of you must of aware of it; Michael Jackson appeared in Neverland from beyond grave!
Fans of the late King of Pop are debating a sighting of a ghostly figure on CNN late last week as cameras were taken on a guided tour of Michael Jackson's Neverland ranch in
The bizarre footage shows the ghost moving across a hallway half way down the live video. The presenter reporting live and camera crew fail to see the figure.
Video and photo taken from the CNN 'Inside Neverland' Larry King Live special appear to show a ghost like figure scooting across one of the rooms inside one of the main buildings on the Neverland Ranch Michael Jackson used to call home.
Video of the Michael Jackson ghost is captured when the CNN camera is pointed down a long hall-way; suddenly the human shaped shadowy figure appears at its far end.
When I saw the video footage first time around it looked to me as if a shadow of someone walking outside, sneaked through a window. None of the CNN crew noticed it at the time of shooting, after seeing this paranormal figure in the video the king of pop’s fans started calling to CNN office to draw their attention to this peculiar incident, and news didn’t take much time to spread like a wildfire!
As usual there were debates and cross examinations. Let’s inspect this video methodically inch by inch. Let’s see if we can get the truth out of it.
If you look closely to this shadowy image moving left to right, the figure is not transparent over the chimney at the time it was passing. If it is really a ghost or supernatural figure it should be completely transparent according to the ghost experts! Someone came up with this explanations to clarify there is no ghostly act in this video!
Agreed, there is no transparent shadow over the chimney hole while passing it, but then it is a dark background (the Chimney hole) almost the same saturation and darkness of the shadow, so how will some one see the overlapped shadow in front of chimney hole? Not convinced enough? OK, let me make it more clear, face a wall while a bulb illuminating behind you, now you can see your own shadow on the wall, place your hand on your chest, can you see your hand’s shadow? Can you see your finger’s shadow? No! Never!!
Why the shadow is not extensive if it is coming from out side? It has to start from the window to cast over the walking hall. Look at the video one more time; see the shadow moving almost independently as if there is no physical intervention! And finally to destroy all our logical thinking capabilities; this shadow has a shadow!!! (Reflection) Look at the floor while the ghostly image was passing, you can easily spot a mirror image on the shining floor! It is incredibly chilling! CNN interview show was a live program, so there is no scope for stunt show or video editing! Incidentally I recalled MJ’s words that he said it in an interview.
“I don’t like to die; I want to live for ever!”
I am not sure whether it is MJ’s ghost though...
...then who was that if it is not MJ?
OMG! I think it's his ghost!!! R.I.P. Michael Jackson!!! onebut never Forgotten
Fuck man, this is real ghost. First time i am seeing a video of ghost. well written ofirozster. I am fully convinced.
ReplyDeleteThis blog is awesome. liked the way you explained the ghost shadow. it is real.
ReplyDeleteU don't think MJ made himself invisible and cast a shaldow of himself?
ReplyDeletewho knows, he was so Strange in Real life that anything is possible in Death. Although I do Totally believe in the paranormal.
ReplyDeleteMay ALLAH bless him...........
ReplyDeleteR.I.P michale jackson i know that is his ghost and if any one who hates him i will beat the fuck out of them!!!!!!! :(
ReplyDeletewow...this is really scarey
ReplyDeleteR.I.P Michael Jackson you died too young
ReplyDeletewell for 1 lemme say i personally think michael jakson is a creep. and 2, i think its real caise ive seen a ghost in real life! it was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo scary!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeletethats bull theres no way it was film crew walking by on the other side and reflected onto the wall as they walked by but people say its michale jacksons ghost but how is it that he is showing up every as a ghost and he's famous than he was ever now so mabye its a hokes but maybe not
ReplyDeleteI like Michael Jackson.
ReplyDeleteHe was awsom and that's coming from a 5th grader.
He was sooooooooooooo awsome and cool.
It was defitinally his ghost.
Who doesn't like a ghost every now and then?
fucking all lie who believe this micheal ghost is stupid, it is his mother not him
ReplyDeletehis mother is not dead she still alive
Deletewho would it be if its not him?they need to REALLY find out whats going on.
ReplyDeleteomq...would yall just drop it.??
ReplyDeletehe is already dead and ppl talked about him enough...even if it is his ghost...its HIS house..let the man walk...danq..yall ppl soo....uqhh...
anyway rest in peace michael..i love u alwaysz and forever..and have fun in heaven,,see u there not anytime soon thou...lol.love u.!!!!!!!!!1
omg if there are micheal jackson haters in this world dont even post anything you dumbasses noone want micheal jackson hater comments
ReplyDeletei dont know but i agree that its micheal jackson visiting Neverland one last time but i dont know
omg ppls its his house so let him walk gosh all you ppls gotta drop it he is dead and he wont ever rest in peace if he is gone and yall keep buggin him sayin hes a creep and that he is a child rapist i mean LET HIM REST IN PEACE!!!!!!!!!!!! anyway micheal jackson if your readin dis i only wanna tell you YOUR DA BEST KING OF POP! I LOVE YOU ! AND ILL NEVER FORGET YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OHHHHHH EMMMMM GEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I LOVE YEW JOHANNA !!!!!!!!!!!!
M.J was killed! he was murdered!
ReplyDeleteHe was targeted and critized by the media especially in the U.S as a creepo, as a child rapist, but all of that is false.
M.J was killed because he spoke out againts a specific group therefor his soul is not at peace, that is what i believe.
i hope you can complete your task M.J i know your soul is not at ease
ReplyDeletei hope you can rest in peace
there are stupid racis ppl in dis world so all yall just go to hell.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteFUCK MICHEAL JACKSON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteAND ALL MICHEAL JACKSON LOVERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
whoever said fuc michael jackson is a bitch and they can go suck a big one
ReplyDeleteare u serious? its obvious the shadow came from BEHIND the camara...reflecting throught the shinny floor and off the back wall...u can see it elongated over the floor..it happens depends on the way the light was coming in the house or if the camara crew had lights up...not a ghost.
ReplyDeletethis is so stupid, u are all such idiots its like talking to a brick wall. ps ur moms so flat shes jealous of that wall.
ReplyDeletethe illuminati kill michael jackson and his soul probally not resting but i dont know about this pic..........
ReplyDeleteEveryone please listen!
ReplyDeleteMichael has always taught us to love that nothing is stronger in this world then love. So please refrain from disrespecting one another and using vulger words. Please not only listen to his messeges but carry them out as well. Michael Jackson loves and adores all of his fans. To those that defend Michael when some one says something bad about him remember the old saying kill'em with kindness a lot of times that is the best defence to use. I know that there are a lot of people out there who think that Michael is dead but believe me he is NOT! I know this to be true Because I have researched and read and watched everything from the time of his so called death to the things coming out leading up to date. The first thing is the 911 call a lot of mistakes there. The death certificate a badly forged copy. A cardiologist who doesn't know how to administer cpr properly, even those who are not in the medical field know the proper why to do cpr. The picture of him in the back of the ambulance was a deffent fake. And there are just so many more facts to him still being a live but I would be here all night long. I do not say this to degrade or disrespect anyone especially Michael Jackson himself. He has been planning this escape for a very long time not to hurt his fans but to truly have that come back that will go down in history for all time. You watch and see the man we all love and adore with all our hearts will be back bigger and better then ever. Although he always has is and will be #1 in my heart. I have deemed him instead of being called the king of pop I call him Lord Michael. If you wish to contact me about this note I invite you to please do so at my yahoo IM it is luckyleo0880@yahoo.com. Thank you god bless you I love you with all my heart
Man...that's so crazy and i do believe in ghost and spirits so i know in my heart that he is still her with us!! R.I.P Michael Jackson much love for you <3
ReplyDeleteAll yall making fun of Michael Jackson and his death can all go to the devil and im gonna laugh when he comes out his spirits and comes and get yall punks!!!! we love you Michael no matter what anybody says=]<3 LOLX=]
ReplyDeletesome say he is alive because thay found him somewhere in asia or eroupe
ReplyDeletei belev thz iz mj fully. most of yuh tht posted tht yuh love hm r a pack ov hipacrits. yuz stop bagging on him once hez gone. dont pretend yuhz care wen once upon a time yuz wer talkn bwt hm bein a freak. he was individual n people wer just jelus tht they cudnt stand up for their beleifs like michael jackson dd. he was only close to kids because he was deprived of his own child hood. the posture of the ghost looks alot like michael jackson. i belev with the person tht sed he was going bak 4 one last visit. evry1 tht stuck by yuh wil rememba yuh mj as the person yuh r, a kind, giving and open man. yur great!!! thank yuh 4 changn history n standing up!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteDoes not seem real ... I'm sure it is a kind of trick only
ReplyDeleteits not a trick, i think its real because i not only believe in ghosts but in michael jackson as well!
ReplyDeleteit so scary
ReplyDeleteUm, that vid is really weird - I'm kinda freaked out.
ReplyDeleteMJ SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that iz a freaky vid!!!!
ReplyDeleteomg micheal that suck about your loss but come ppl yall gotta let him rest in peace..... i fucken swear!!!!!!!!!!! LEAVE HIM ALONE!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteIt may be true...
ReplyDeleteit is said that if any wish of person remain to fulfill before death then he have to live that death every same time and on a same day...
i dont think its real , but if it iis its verry freaky
ReplyDeleteahaha;thisz vid is a phony well at least to mehh it is....see im a prophet;i can se the dead and all that stuff.i loo at thisz and fell nadaa thisz is not real itsz a reflection from behind the camera;buhh that mj cloud thing was furrealsz the 1 on the old dudesz hood tht reflected from the sky on hisz hood he was taking a pikk and didnt regonize it till 3 daysz l8ter....now plain and simple imma tell yhu micheal is not with us anymore.he is gone.his spirit doesnt roam here anymore.lo siento...
ReplyDeleteI Grew up with M.J.,, He was a great preformer,Did u ever see him in concert???? He only wants what is best 4 every one..Hasn't his music proven that!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeletemichael ghost well come to you all of the heaters!!..
ReplyDeletethis is really stupid.
ReplyDeleteno one can awake before the doms day.
Okay i'm not saying i don't beleive in ghost but, that could be anyone's shadow. Don't you think it is kind of sad for u to make a scene about micael's death and turn something that happens everyday into somthing stupid like a ghost. I mean it was good and it sent chills up my spine but, cum on! And that's cuming from an 11 year old fifth grader. HOW SAD!
ReplyDeletemichael can go kill himself... oh wait he's already dead poor michael jackson, burn in hell you child rapist