Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Shocking video of a man dying in a railway station!!!
No comments!
Attention : not for faint hearted!
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Stunning Similarities – The mystifying history!

Incident which takes in our everyday life is not mere accidents! From the smallest one to the biggest, buying underwear to owning a car, your job, life partner, graduation, salary what more, even your name is not an accident!
Creepy uh? Let me explain, bear with me, I am not preaching philosophy or anything that sort, these are the truth and only truth!
I pulled up this topic to my best friend couple of years back, though she looked extremely interested, she didn’t understand completely or pretended to be puzzled. When I talked about latest buzz on the subject of Maria Carrey’s lingeries and make ups she dramatically awaken in a flash and never gave me a chance to talk again till I said goodnight!
Do you remember your first road accident? You have taken the straight road and suddenly thought about to buying a pizza, visit a friend or go to a particular shop; you have taken right turn in hurry to hear that bone crunching crash behind the car! This is just an example, the situation and thoughts will be different but the result will be the same. You came out of the car unhurt and found your car been hit and crushed by the vehicle rammed in, or in rare situations found your car with little damage and big dent on the vehicle that hit you!
Trust me, these accidents are not accidents! You meant to be on that road at that particular hour and second and it happened because it is the choice given to you! And let me tell you this creepy truth, it happened to someone before you and will happen again to someone who resembles your birth and brought-up situations!!!
I know you can’t take completely what I am saying.
God, Universe or the super power which almost all of us believe in is very fair to everybody. There are armies and kings, police and criminals, artists and politicians. These are the categories in human. They meant to do their part in professional and daily life. How they function is up to the choices given to them. I will make it more clear and comprehensible.
A king or a president will be gifted with growing up situations, opportunities, right and wrong, good and bad. If he takes the right path he may succeed as a great leader, or if he chose wrong path somewhere in the middle he may end up with a noose on the neck!
Now let us look at some history –
We know about them and their life because they are famous and every moment of their life has been written on the bricks of history walls. It is continuously happening with me and you but we never knew our life and opportunities given are happened before to someone and it is a repetition, fortunately or unfortunately it will happen again to someone who still has to be born somewhere in the world! Everything that happened to you going to repeat one more time to somebody as it happened to someone before you! Still you can change the destiny by choosing the right path. For example that road accident – if you think you will order pizza at home you may avoid an accident!
Saddam the modern-day equivalent of the ancient King Nebuchadnezzar
The Iraqi leader is cast as the modern-day equivalent of King Nebuchadnezzar, the warrior and builder who came to power in 605 BC at the tender age of 25.
Hussein, who helped stage a coup at age 31, restored part of Nebuchadnezzar's 600-room palace.
Atop some of the original bricks marked with Nebuchadnezzar's name are new bricks that declare, "In the era of Saddam Hussein, protector of Iraq, who rebuilt the Royal Palace."
A palace tour guide said, "Nebuchadnezzar was a man of war and peace, just as Saddam Hussein is. That's why people love him."
The rise and death of Iraq dictator Saddam Hussein’s life is replica of the ancient Babylon (Babylon was a city-state of ancient Mesopotamia, the remains of which are found in present-day Al Hillah, Babil Province, Iraq, about 85 kilometers (55 mi) south of Baghdad) emperor Nebuchadnezzar. Saddam’s hunger for war, cruelty towards his own people and death in a spider hole is just identical to the ancient emperor of Babylon!!
Nebuchadnezzar once most powerful emperor in the world ate leaves and drunken water from the river towards the end of his life, quite similar to Saddam Hussein! Look at the picture of Nebuchadnezzar by William Blake. Isn’t it similar to the one we saw in television sets few years back?
The name SADDAM means "the destroyer." That fact was specifically offered by an elderly midwife who delivered SADDAM Hussein, and recalled that Saddam's mother named him "destroyer" because she had such a difficult time delivering him. Saddam became real destroyer lately by killing about 2.5 million people!
To cement my theory let me show you some fearsome facts that going to pass some current through your spine.
Striking similarities between former American Presidents Abraham Lincoln and John.F Kennedy.
Abraham Lincoln was elected to Congress in 1846.
John F. Kennedy was elected to Congress in 1946.
Abraham Lincoln was elected President in 1860.
John F. Kennedy was elected President in 1960.
Both were particularly concerned with civil rights.
Both wives lost their children while living in the White House.
Both Presidents were shot on a Friday.
Both Presidents were shot in the head
Now it gets really weird.
Lincoln 's secretary was named Kennedy.
Kennedy's Secretary was named Lincoln .
Both were assassinated by Southerners.
Both were succeeded by Southerners named Johnson.
Andrew Johnson, who succeeded Lincoln, was born in 1808.
Lyndon Johnson, who succeeded Kennedy, was born in 1908.
John Wilkes Booth, who assassinated Lincoln, was born in 1839.
Lee Harvey Oswald, who assassinated Kennedy, was born
in 1939.
Both assassins were known by their three names.
Both names are composed of fifteen letters.
Now hang on to your seat.
Lincoln was shot at the theater named 'Ford'.
Kennedy was shot in a car called ' Lincoln ' made by 'Ford'.
Lincoln was shot in a theater and his assassin ran and hid in a warehouse.
Kennedy was shot from a warehouse and his assassin ran and hid in a theater.
Booth and Oswald were assassinated before their trials.
And here's the kicker...
A week before Lincoln was shot, he was in Monroe , Maryland
A week before Kennedy was shot, he was with Marilyn Monroe!
I have a lot more to say about the resemblances of these famous leaders and other historical figures – just because I cannot measure the interest level and enthusiasm of the readers on this topic, heatedly stopping it here for now. Adios!
Friday, November 20, 2009
Sachin is not the greatest – An Answer to Atherton.

Sachin Tendulkar is a great batsman but to suggest he is the best ever is demeaning to those former greats who survived the bodyline series and stood at the crease without any modern-day safety gears, feels former England skipper Mike Atherton.
"To suggest that Tendulkar -- or, indeed, any modern, armoured or, to use (Viv) Richards's phrase, "pampered" player -- is the best ever is demeaning to those former greats who stood at the crease in the knowledge that their next ball could be their last," Artherton wrote in 'The Times'.
Atherton feels modern-day protections have made life easier for current batsmen compared to yesteryears and so it remains to be seen how Tendulkar's career would have shaped up if these gears were not available.
"Images of Tendulkar have adorned newspapers and websites throughout the week. Images, mostly, of the 'Little Master' at the crease, compact and balanced. So compact and balanced, in fact, that Bradman said Tendulkar was the modern player whose method most closely resembled his own.''
"There was, though, one crucial difference, which the image of Tendulkar on these pages on Monday highlighted. Perched on top of Tendulkar's head ... was a bright blue helmet and a grille to protect his features.''
"Tendulkar was batting in a One-day game, but had the image been of him batting in whites, there is a good chance that, along with a helmet, Tendulkar would have been wearing an arm guard and a chest guard, too. He is always amply protected," he wrote.
"Which is not to say that Tendulkar lacks bravery. Indeed, he proved his 'manhood' in his first Test series when Waqar Younis bloodied his nose and Tendulkar refused treatment and carried on batting," Atherton said.
"He wore a grille from then on, though, so that when James Anderson sent a ball crashing into it at Trent Bridge in July 2007, Tendulkar was able to shake his head and carry on as if he had been hit with a wet sponge," he added.
Atherton believes Tendulkar would be inconvenienced if he steps on the field without a helmet.
"Tendulkar's method suggests that he would be little inconvenienced by not wearing a helmet. He does not hook, nor does he plunge on to the front foot. And he watches the ball like a hawk.''
"Nevertheless, would he have lasted as long, would he have scored as many runs, would that blow to his face by Anderson would not have affected his confidence in any way? We cannot know for sure.''
"Bradman's average plummeted in the Bodyline series, when the need for raw courage was added to the equation. A few modern players would suffer, too.
"The ball is no softer now and the bowlers no less quick, but standing at the crease knowing that you can be killed demands a different level of courage from the realisation that you might just get hurt," he added.
Mr.Atherton, Cricket is not a Wrestle Mania or Boxing ring. The bravery shown on the cricket field is not by taking all those body line balls on your nose and testicles! And no cricketer in the world had known for his ability to survive on the field from meteoroid balls. Even Don Bradman who been considered as the best batsman in the world is known for his records as a cricketer in numeric value. Not his bravery to survive body line balling. Just because some player in the past have dodged the bodyline balling doesn’t make them the best, if that is the case every player faced body line bowling would be greats!
For an argument one can say Don Bradman’s career revolved around only against English. The great batsman did not get a chance to play in subcontinents. That doesn’t make Sir Don Bradman less significant!
Mr.Atherton,to show your bravery there are a lot of other sports available widely to chose from, in your opinion you are saying the modern batsman should not wear the helmet and take those full toss balls on your face and those slipped Yorkers on your balls isn’t it? You did play cricket for long time and you are not even closer to Sachin or Ponting, why? Did you bat without helmet and guards?
I think Atherton is pretty tired of seeing too much of “Sachin the Greatest” news all this week. He needs to get a good sleep.
Atherton is an Ankylosing spondylitis patient. Ankylosing spondylitis is a painful, progressive rheumatic disease, mainly of the spine. It can also affect other joints, tendons and ligaments and other areas, such as the eyes and heart. If left untreated, the disease can cause progressive stiffening of the spine, leading to immobility. It is caused by inflammation in the joints between the vertebrae, and of the sacroiliac joints in the pelvis. As a reaction to the inflammation, a small amount of bone erosion occurs.
May be that is the reason why Atherton thought about body line bowling and pain! Not ridiculing him or his ability as a batsman but seriously I think that is the reason or I can’t find any better reason for him to bring this pain issue now.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Why Sehwag looks ridiculous when he gets out?

First of all let me apologize for the brief delay caused by my untimed vacation. Frankly speaking I went for vacation to forget about everything that related to my hectic job schedule and recession that caused dear to my business. But unfortunately I was so worried and restless at the time of vacation than when I was at work; got back my breath only after I came back to work! No, I am not a workaholic by any stretch of imagination.
Lot of cricket happened during this time and still is happening. I heard a joke from Ravi Shastri during his interview to a sports channel – Amit Mishra should have played a lot of first class cricket before he play big test match like this against Sri Lanka. My question to Ravi, Amit Mishra is part of the team every where the team goes in recent time. He never got a chance to play but carry drinks and towels to the crease for the senior players, how the hell can he be picked for the domestic cricket when he is part of the national team?
On the other side; everybody felt Amit Mishra bowled in negative line throughout the match, not to take wickets but frustrate the batsman hoping any one of them will get fed up and hit the ball high to gift a catch. Sri Lankan batsmen were very clever and patient so who got frustrated are thousands of poor viewers who were expecting a good match and those ex-lads in commentary box. Eventually Mishra conceded runs more than any other bowlers! 200 plus runs! That is a lot!
India played against their new rivals Australia (now Pakistan can take rest) in their own backyards. Virtually second row team that Australia came up with, had a lot of passion and fortitude which Indian paper tigers failed to understand. Or did they underestimate? I still believe Indians would have won at least two matches that they eventually lost due to immaturity of few players.
Sri Lankans are in India to give a stiff competition and they are giving everything to win first ever test match in India. No big terror on the surface in Ahmadabad even on fourth day. If anybody wants to prove his batting ability that should be on this pitch, lovely batting pitch till the time I am writing this article. One will be wondering why the hell Virendar Sehwag hit that ball high and got out! Still One and half day left, that is four and half sessions of cricket. Definitely India is not playing for the win but a draw. Why did Sehwag kneel down to slog sweep at that point of time only to manage a skier?!
Answer – Sehwag never consider a spinner as a genuine bowler and never give the respect. When Sehwag scored 296 runs in Multan he hit a six to make it 300. When a press personality wondered and asked him why did he decided to hit a six instead of taking a single or double Sehwag replied in his own lazy way “ I predetermined to hit a six to make it 300 if I get a spinner on my 296!” Never had he thought about the fact that he will be the first Indian to score 300 in a test match and it requires a lot of hard work!
But it is the spinners who make Sehwag ridiculous and cheap when he gets out! Isn’t it?
Friday, September 25, 2009
Is SEX good for sports person?

Champions Trophy cricket match is going on in South Africa. Team India had a brief stay on ICC top one day ranking list prior to the champions trophy. Precisely 24 hours and 14 minutes. After their defeat to Srilanka in second match of Compaq Cup, India dropped down to second position again. I felt better when incidentally or co-incidentally Srilanka became the tool for making India No.1 again by beating South Africa in Champions trophy in their first match! It shows how strong a team was holding this position for healthy elongated years! Australia were real champions, they fought on the field and off the field, they sludge, they accuse, they intimidate to stay on top, eventually that is what matters, not the pathways you chose; most important is how you get there to become numero uno!
By seeing Indian’s recent performances, one will have no expectations at all that the team will manage to stay at No.1 position for long time; compensating prolific batting with pathetic fielding is not just acceptable by any standard! Sitter catches have been dropped numerous times in recent tournaments and it reached its height in Compaq Cup, Indians has this ability to dive right or left only after the cricket ball passes by them, a chasing scene of the ball and the fieldsman near the boundary lines are a common sight now a days and unmistakably always the ball wins!
I guess it is the appropriate time to remember an advice given by the former Indian Captain Mohammed Azharuddin who was a brilliant agile fielder at the time of his crest – “A fielder who saves four runs are equivalent to the batsman who scores four runs!” Can’t digest his entire view though, Azhar’s own records are not talking about his fielding abilities other than catches he took.
A section of media has devoted their precious time to excavate deep into cricketer’s bed room. Certainly they found some jewels and pearls. Now these media personalities themselves have been left puzzled after breaking into this century old debate.
Is SEX good for sportsperson or not?
One fragment of media said it is good if they had sex two days before the match. Another one said it is better if they had previous night so no frustrations on the field. And there is another new breed of Media who think sex an hour before the match in dressing room is much better than all mentioned above!
Coach Gary Christen felt more or less the same way; in his secret documents, the former South African opener mentioned all players should have their night-time partners when they travel outside the country to play cricket! It is compulsory just like your fitness regime and travelling bag! I still confused about the word Mr.Gary had used – Night-time partner? Ok, whatever it is, leave it!
Coach found very good improvement in players right after his strategy came to light, everybody was happy, some coaching staffs and commentators also urging to the authority to have same kind of lovely rules applied on them as well. Few commentators with dyed hair prefer this sort of set up rather than hooking up in the night club, for the reason that more often the night clubs are turning out to be hard hunting ground for these old lions! Here prey is ready to be hunted and come in polished package at their doorsteps. (Only in foreign locales – at home none of them has the balls to try)
After a year or so coach Gary Christen has a doubt, is this approach really working? The player’s performance had improved but not on the field. Oops! Back to plan A – No more night-time partners! A pace bowler with big Adam’s apple cried a lot after that very bad decision. He was so fuming at one point, trying to explain to some senior players – still how some of the players are playing well then? Is this the only problem causing bad performance on the field? Obviously his questions are gone unanswered.
Now Gary Christen is totally upset about the fielding standards of Indian cricket team, he is not blaming the fielding coach Robin Singh for wretched fielding performance by some of the players, he knows very well it won’t make any difference either, Robin Singh will have a guzzle of Kingfisher beer and throw a stare at the coach as usual conveying through eyes you watch your business – “Gora” (White man). Flashing red underwear on the field after skidding through the surface on boundary line created a lot of laugh and fun in the dressing room among players, now everybody is conscious about it as nobody wants to attempt it anymore.
In my opinion only one option left for Mr.Gary Christen to improve the Indian Team’s fielding competence, which is switching back to plan B! Tell the players if you field well you get your night-time partners back plus some bonus point for extremely well fielded cricketers! Like two night-time partners or something like that!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Is John Travolta guilty of his son’s death?

Whenever I think about the renowned Hollywood actor John Travolta, the movie reel in to my mind is the famous John Woo directed “Face Off”. Nicholas Cage was another equally talented actor to act with John Travolta in this movie. By seeing what American media is trying to do to John Travolta, I think they are enforcing to replicate the story of this movie in his real life! One of the best reporters in the business told me they would rip off his mask to reveal the real ugly face of John Travolta! A kind of Face Off! I am really confused here now, is it sensational journalism or senseless journalism? Is it right to tarnish somebody’s image in public just to get the TRP soaring for their particular TV channels and publications? These scavengers will be more than happy and celebrate these kinds of events like Christmas and Easter when a big name like John Travolta is involved. Someone even call it news show, not news time or news hour. When the news became a show? Is it having any entertainment value? Will people enjoy watching or reading the news about massacre in Gaza and Iraq? Is it enjoyable to know American economy crisis or bomb blast in railway stations and market junctions?
Let me not discuss about it here, or else I will be writing a lot more than what I supposed to.
A famous TV channel and a press came out with this bizarre news; John Travolta refused medical aid for dying son!
The news bit came to the press through ever leaking local police department, a paramedic Trino lightbourne involved in this case. In the beginning nobody heard about this guy, everyone raised the eyebrows at the movie star. Public likes to stone at someone accused for wrong doings, if it is a celebrity they like it even more. In fact paramedic Trino Lightbourne is the one took John’s kid Jett to island’s Rand Memorial hospital, the 16 years old kid pronounced dead on arrival. Everyone was sad, John was literally sobbing with few of his family members and friends, everyone gone back home after that very sad and shocking incident. Like John Travolta and his family; there was one more guy who couldn’t sleep that night; he is none other than the paramedic Trino Lightbourne! Not because he was poignant of the demises of a Hollywood star’s son, it hardly evokes any emotion to him since he has been witnessing a lot of cases like this almost every day basis. The whole night he was webbing a trap to take advantage of the situation, knowing from friends and relatives the celebrities are soft target for making money. As expected he came up with a brilliant idea (at least that’s what he has been convinced) before the sun rise!
Jett died suddenly after a seizure at the age of 16 in January while he was on holiday with his family in the Bahamas, John Travolta is having a house in Bahamas mostly used for short vacations and relaxing trips.
After seeing Jett collapsing down to the floor John rushed him to the hospital by an ambulance, seeing his son struggling to keep the heartbeats ticking, Hollywood star thought he could rescue him in America where he has got a lot of contacts and much better place to get higher medical attention and aid. Most of the famous doctors in US are good friends of the actor. He asked the paramedic Trino Lightbourne in ambulance to take his son to the air port instead of hospital in Bahamas, Trino requested a senior police officer Andrew Wells to witness the signing of a “refusal of a medical attention” form.
It is heartbreaking for any father to see his own son struggling to take breath and fighting with life, John changed his mind after seeing Jett’s condition as he thought he can’t make it to US; decided to go to the Rand Memorial Hospital eventually where the 16 year old died before the arrival.
Travolta been blackmailed by the paramedic for 18 million pounds; Trino Lightbourne threatened the actor if he doesn’t give the ransom, face the press and public with shocking revelation that he is going to make about Jett’s death. John wasn’t sentient of the threat the paramedic posing. “What the fuck you gonna do it to me you son of a bitch?” Let us forgive Travolta for using such a harsh abusive language given the situation and emotional aspects of a father right after the death of his son!
“You give me money that I asked for or else I am going to change your celebrity image in press and public forever! I gonna turn you to a real bad man!” Trino Lightbourne replied fearlessly!
A devoted father who lost his teenage son is now fighting with the law to clear his name from his own son’s murder! John Travolta got everything enormous, fame, wealth and whatever he ambitious for including the air flight pilot license. When tragedy stroked he got it double!
Watch this space for real inside stories – as Travolta’s 46 year old wife Kelly Preston is to speak about their loss at the California Governor’s conference for woman in October for the first time!
Friday, September 11, 2009
Harbhajan Singh - When will you learn?

Harbhajan Singh is one cricketer who would never leave the lime light even in his sleep, while he suck the thumb in a nice deep sleep you go there to his home with a video camera; strangely you can find his middle finger rising at you – this is his automatic reaction to the media that no doctor in the world have the clue about! That is Bhaji as affectionately called by his fans and friends! He loves to stay in the news regardless of the way how he gets there. Slap gate, spitting, abusing, kicking, staring…you name it; poor fellow had tried everything possible to get his name in the news! He makes even more news after realizing that he did something wrong and necessitates covering it with some crap.
Harbhajan has this uncanny ability to piss off anybody who comes close to him in a mile or so just like his co-player Srisanth! If Sri is a grenade then Bhaji is machine gun, he gets into controversies in rapid pace and enthusiasm that nobody could match. In very rare occasions these giant bulls likes to meet in a ring. Last time when they scuffle in a Wrestling called IPL Wrestle Mania; Bhaji won the brawn game by a huge margin while Sri thrives in brain game. The fearsome pace bowler cried in public like a baby who lost the candy to bring much required camera attention. Nobody had an idea why this beast is crying including the commentators, Kings XII Punjab - Srisanth’s team in IPL; won the match convincingly against Mumbai Indians, hoist the doubt of having him overjoyed tears! When they watched the video; someone in the dressing room found that shocking reality - Preity Zinta the bubbly owner of Kings XII Punjab cuddled every team members except Sri! Is he upset and heartbroken by this merciless act by the movie star? No. Not at all – Bhaji gave him a tight slap, this kind of brainless act can be done by only one person in current Indian team that is none other than Bhaji. Srisanth’s cry caused Bhaji hell of lot money, his burning desire to buy a HUMMER vehicle faded like a line in the water. He bought one this year though, took two more years to fulfill his wish! Even his much sort after HUMMER led him into another controversy for driving the vehicle on Indian roads without proper registration or documents!
In Australian tour Bhaji called Symonds (another short tempered cricketer) “Monkey”! It triggered a lot of controversies even prompting Indian team to pull off the tour! Good for Bhaji this incident took place before the Slap gate or else BCCI will not be buying his version of it! Bhaji refused any wrong doings with the backing of few senior players in the team straight away. He explained “I never called Symonds monkey but I called him Makki Chooth! He misunderstood my native language as an English word!” The explanation was taken, Cricket Australia convinced completely. Bhaji let go without any major punishment, some players in the Aussies side were furious and dejected about the judgment. Now readers in the west will be wondering what did he call Symo in his native language – Makki Chooth means Mother Fucker!!! A term that is much more abusive and offensive than Monkey in India.
No doubt there is a huge cultural gap between west and east. Most of the part in India monkey is god, in some northern cities there are thousands of monkeys living openly in temples and nearby areas. Snatching food and other items from onlookers and hurting people are not a news there, can’t abuse monkeys or smack them, because according to Hindu believes those are “athma” (souls) of dead people, it can be your own ancestors! Who wants to smack their own grandpas?
The word “Makki chooth” is been used by low class uneducated people in India in extreme situations. You can measure the individual quality of a man in Bhaji here! He is the one been awarded by Indian government with one of the highest honor “Padmasri”. Being too big to go and accept the award the off spinner chose to get entertained and shoot for ads with few friends also evoked ripple of controversy!
To add the last one to Bhaji’s ever ending controversy list is jabbing a camera person in Bangalore Airport after the camera man brushed against him while filming. Indian Television channels showed clearly the spoilt brat Bhaji hitting the camera after the camera man pushed forward while the player was retrieving luggage from a car.
Media in India is like bunch of hungry wolves constantly searching for some sensationalism or bits and pieces of celebrity news, may be they knows better how to extract a news out of Bhaji! Succeed in big time, channels celebrated and filled their news hours with this not so important news!
Again Bhaji is in fresh storm. Like everybody does now days to come out of the cloud he too came up with his own version of the story in his own blog.
“I am facing the car, I have no clue what is behind me. The camera man is seen running towards me and the intensity and pace with which his camera clearly hits my head and it was not like just a touch, it hit me hard on my head and patka," Harbhajan wrote in his blog.
"I am very particular of being touched and hit at my head or my patka. As a prompt reflex, not even knowing what hit my head I pushed the object, realizing it after I pushed it that it was a camera. At no stage did I hit or slap the cameraman. Neither will I ever do it," he added.
But Mr.Harbhajan Singh, the camera eyes will not lie, it clearly shows that you are hitting the camera and staring at the camera man like a goon on the street! How long we people have to compromise on your behavior for your contribution to Indian cricket? Is there any problem with the way how you brought up or the transformation happened after you became rich and popular?
Monday, August 31, 2009
End of Australian dominance in world cricket!

2003 World Cup Final – It was India v/s Australia.
I get a thunder bolt through my spine even now when I think about that match! Ricky Ponting and his boys literally torn apart the star studded Indian team by massive attack from the word go! I couldn’t take the fact that Australians were playing a final match and that even for a World Cup! They never been under pressure, Gilly started hitting every ball as if that is his farewell match and there were no second thought about his hittings; no bad ball and no good balls, all of them are for him to hit! Zaheer Khan succumbed under tremendous pressure; he was on receiving end from both openers Gilchrist and Heydan. Soon Ganguly ran short of ideas, he brought the spinners early to prevent the run flow, I still remember watching the match like an irritated wild animal in the cage, couldn’t sit in one place! Somehow Sourav’s move to bring the spinners early did the trick. Aussies 2/125. Captain Ricky Ponting came out to bat with Damien Martyn.
Ponting toyed the Indian bowlers with 8 towering sixes and 4 fours to score 140 runs from 121 balls, he dispatched the most applauded Indian bowling line up over the fence in fearsome regularity and incredible command – 8 sixes! The most from one batsman in any World Cup final match at the time! Martyn with a broken thumb scored 88 runs from 84 balls with 7 fours and 1 six, completed the partnership of 234 runs – an Australian record in one-day cricket! When the tempest settled down the Australian total was 359 for 2 wickets! A run rate of 7.18 runs per over was their second highest ever in ODI history!
I totally convinced that Australians got that extra supremacy and fighting spirit to beat any team in the world, the word “pressure “ was missing from their dictionary. India’s colossal run chase was made even more difficult after the trump card Sachin Tendulkar got out in the first over. Then it was a mare formality for India to give up for 234! All out in 39.2 overs! Emphatic victory of Australia by record margin in world cup final underlined their dominance in World Cricket. Ponting fetched man of the match award and Sachin Tendulkar was named player of the series.
I kept wondering those days, there were no real threat for Australians, they are in totally different level all together compare to other cricketing nations.
Everything which had the beginning should have an end; this is the rule of nature. Ironically Indians are the one showed the world; Australian vulnerability after losing few of their world class players from the list. Kumble’s men beat Australia in controversial test to begin with. It is hard to digest the fact that nowadays Australia is losing the matches more than they win! Finally they lost to England in legendary Ashes series to get hammered the last nail on their coffin!
What went wrong? How could winning graph of a team decline so badly after those consistent performances for a decade or so?
Australia always played like a team, there were at least three players who clicked in each and every game, if one fails another one step ups and make sure to score enough run on the board or take those crucial wickets in most critical junctures unlike most of the other teams. For example for a long time India was depending completely on Sachin Tendulkar, a dummy god of billion people in India failed very rarely in those days but unfortunately most of them were in vital final matches! Brilliant Brian Lara from West Indies was another example. On other hand Australia was with full of players not stars, if not Gilly then it is Hayden, if not Ponting then Hussey… the list continues.
Now Australia had shrunk in to a phase where everything is their captain Ricky Ponting. You can easily spot out that Aussies is depending heavily on Ricky Ponting’s batting in recent times, if he fails to deliver Aussies struggles to save the game. It is Ponting’s inconsistency that sealed England’s victory. After scoring 150 in second test match he couldn’t pull up the socks. A great attacking batsman that he is, having a huge impact on team Australia is invariable. I am knocking down the points of critics over the team selection; it is not team selection that put an end to the most victorious team in the world but a captain who shouldered great weight of responsibility, lack of talented players to come up and fill the shoes of those legends who retired recently, top of all drained out ideas of a captain on the field simply because he is not just used to be in losing situations!
I feel Australia is still a team to reckon with. It is hard to beat them even after revealing their susceptibility. But how long will they take to create another Gill Christ, Mathew Hayden or McGrath? This is the question worth a million dollar!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Virender Sehwag – Up against politics in Cricket!

Virender Sehwag is one cricketer who has such an uncluttered thinking head on his shoulders. Otherwise who the hell on earth can think of hitting a six when you are on 290s? If Sehwag scores 60 runs in one day match you just can’t afford to go to toilet to wee, by the time you come back he will be on 80s, if on 90, he will be raising his bat to celebrate century after two balls! It could be other way around too, he may be walking back to pavilion after a foolish upper cut, but luckily for his number of fans it happens very rarely, when he get going cricket ball finds its own way to boundary lines.
Now Sehwag is up in arms against his own home cricket association DDCA. It took some courage on his part to air his bitterness over the functioning of DDCA. In a way at present concerning his continuing absence from Indian team owing the shoulder injury and rehabilitation reflects Viru’s frustration! For sure I am not leaving his outburst as just hot air. If there is a smoke there will be a flame somewhere underneath.
Corruptions in India is very much reality. Even at the junior levels, merit alone never has been criteria for selection. The authorities are as much prone to bias and prejudices as your colleague accountant who envy your benefits from the boss!
I had a high profile foot ball player neighbor in India – Najeeb, his brother was my friend and school mate, through him I came to know the basics of politics in Indian sports, it is not necessary that you get a space in national team merely on the basis of performances, certificates won’t tell stories, it required a lot of behind the scene game skills and a brave heart. Only few players who got good talent make it into the national team, so when you see a fully fledged football team next time sweating on the ground, just keep it in your mind you are not watching the best players available in India! There are coaches, coaching staffs, management and other staffs. You should be extremely lucky to be from one of these asshole’s states to get attention that you desperately looking for! Even if they find you that you are from his own state he will ask your father’s name, ancestral house name and even may send you to the market to buy some fish for his dinner! I am talking about comparatively low profile game in India - Football, cricket is bigger in India unlike other countries, it is on really big canvas, big audience, huge advertisers, and mammoth money turn over. Obviously the politics turned out to be a bit polished over here; nevertheless the ultimate result is the same. I still remember once Najeeb broke his leg during a match, he struggled a lot to get back on the track, no, not because of the time he took to recover from the injury but to get back his slot from a biased selection that caused him his place in the team!
I witnessed from the close quarters the politics our sports administrators play. They are immune to public criticism and totally unafraid of the media. What we do get to see is merely a tip of the iceberg and nothing is what it appears to be. Look at our national selectors – when there was selection committee from Mumbai there were full of players from Mumbai, playing ones and non playing ones, when BCCI influenced by Kolkatta lobby there were rushing waves of Kolkattans at the main door, none of them could make it because of lack of minimum 25% talent that require to play cricket! Top of all they all were quite happy to have one Bengal tiger that too as a captain. So no complains! Now we have Kris Srikanth as chief selector, Badrinath is one player always made noise in Chennai news papers pleading to BCCI to take him to the National Team. “for god sake, please allow me to fail, I won’t ask you anymore, let me play once for India, let me fail…” Srikanth took his countryman to the team when he got the power, as prophesy of his own, Badrinath failed but didn’t stop insisting, yeah, this time he changed the sentence “for god sake, please allow me to play!” Now this is much better, at least not negative.
Viru is the latest sports personality to hit out at the sports administrators. I hope Viru didn’t dig his own grave; BCCI is looking at the incident very carefully as they are extra cautious not to make a Frankenstein. To sustain in the team Viru has to work really hard from now onwards, he will have to hit many more sixes and fours, play each innings as his last innings! Just because he is up against very cunning opponent this time around!
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Thursday, August 13, 2009
Memories of a driver!

Years ago for those working in
But why would a woman wear a man's shoes? Why those body guards? And why did the person's fluid moments so familiar?
"As soon as we guessed it was Michael Jackson we started playing his music in the store" Said Bijesh Kumar a supervisor at Euphoria Music store. "But he was so scared he told the body guards to stop the music"
Jackson, his three children and assistants headed in to a Mother Care store in
But while he was waiting for his assistant to pay Laila noticed the person in women's abaya is wearing men's shoes!
"I looked at him and mouthed Michael Jackson!" She said "but he wagged his finger at me to caution me against calling his name aloud"
Crowd started growing in thick by the time MJ finished his shopping, shop manager had a real surprise to see MJ in his store, he regained his mental stability immediately and acted wise to help Michael Jackson and his kids to escape. MJ wanted to go out through emergency exit, since there is no emergency, the manager couldn’t open it. The mall's main door was packed with photographers and fans; there were a sizeable crowd at staff exit as well, people gathered from all directions to have a glance at their favorite star.
At the point, the women with
By the time Driver Ramesh drove 2006 model Rolls Royce to the back side of the mall. Before leaving the mall Michael Jackson didn't forget to shake hand with the shop manager and say ' Thank you!"
Ramesh remember everything, his eyes filled with tears when talking about his ex-boss. Ramesh 38 was one of
When MJ's funeral took place in Los Angels, Millions of fans who watched it all around the globe, there was grief stricken Ramesh's family in Kerala, one of the southern states in
Like all those thousands of critics, who only knows about Michael Jackson's wired attitude and dance steps, saw other side of MJ only when King of Pop's daughter cried and referred Michael Jackson as "a best daddy in the world" at the funeral function. That was in fact a light into MJ's personal life; the critics were amazed to know about the pop icon's humanitarian face, personal life, and struggle.
Ramesh didn't know much about MJ's celebrity status and how big he was, though he was aware of his popularity, songs and dances. MJ directly interviewed him with his Secretary and Manager.
"He was so kind and very friendly with all of us, He told me that I could be free with him and could share our joys and sorrows with him.
Ramesh Stayed in on the job till
"Even after he left
Tuesday night was tough for Ramesh. The family gathered around the television set to bid adieu to the former boss, who was revered as much as he was reviled, as his funeral was broadcast alive to millions around the world.
"My son Tanuj was holding a few toys that
"If you meet my former boss you will be wondering is this the man in all sort of controversies? I never believed anything came in news papers and TV channels against him and I am not going to believe it either, those spiteful yellow tabloids who tarnished the image of this very good human, let alone his celebrity status, will be questioned by god tomorrow!" Ramesh's words got caught in grief and broken.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Rakhi Sawant - A Stunt Swayamvar!

Over the past month, Indian item girl Rakhi Sawant left the country in terror as she met, appraised and selected finalists fitting the mould of her ideal groom on the reality show Rakhi Ka Swayamwar.
Rakhi gone ahead and done it! She pulled off a stunt that many are still trying to get in grip with. Rakhi Sawant's wedding on TV was a success with Toronto-based Elesh Parujanwala being selected as the chosen one to marry a woman who jerked the audience through TV and Cinemas with her belly and cleavage. Undoubtedly she is one loudest mouth in Bollywood without any direct competition.
Most of Rakhi's co-workers from Bollywood laughed at the show in the beginning; gradually the laughter had given the way to serious thinking, the TV channel made a lot of money through advertisements and other marketing strategies. The final output was nothing less than an instant hit!
It was a real shock to see those well groomed, handsome and wealthy business men from inside and out of
Bollywood sex siren who made the Indian version of American dating show The Bachelorette a hit – says her groom will have no choice but to meet her lofty standards.
"Let me make it clear, I will not marry now. All I am going to do is choose a groom tonight. We will date for one or two years and let me see if he passes my test. He cannot touch me or marry me until he finds a well-paid job and buys a posh three-bedroom flat in Mumbai. I will not compromise on any of these."
Rakhi's demand would make any serious suitor break in to sprint. Couldn't understand why she need three-bedroom apartment in Mumbai though. Why not two? One could be for couple; second one can be for visitors, and the third one? OK, I am not letting my imagination go wild.
Rakhi continued "I will never quit the Bollywood after marriage like some of the actresses have done. My first love is my job. (Yes, she said job!) I have given my blood to make it big. Marriage will be a part of my life. It's not my top priority" Please can anybody tell her she is not exactly "IN" the Bollywood to quit!? Or is she not aware of the fact that one should go IN to get OUT?
Incidentally I remember a controversy that surrounded Rakhi Sawant and troubled her at the beginning of her movie career (If anything that sort really exist) some tabloid printed on the front page that she is a transsexual! Followed by few other yellow news papers that the sex queen is a shemale! Poor Rakhi had hard time to convince the public through different electronic media that she is a real girl born with all human lady parts. Rakhi really was in a trap that she can't open up and show to the public but same time wanted to convince them desperately! There were rumors some big shots in Bollywood got totally confused with this puzzle gone to Rakhi's house in Mumbai and made sure she is not a transsexual!
Rakhi Sawant also fears that the winner will turn out to be a fame-hungry monster once the cameras are switched off.
"When the cameras are on, every body is nice. They are all Mr.Goody-goody. Let me see what happens when cameras are switched off. (the lights too!) I would never want to be in a position where he lives off my money. Don't you think I deserve better? (Certainly!) All my life I have taken care of my family, so there is no chance in hell that I will take care of my husband too." Ladies and gentleman, now you know who fed her family! It is she. Not her brother!!
"I am willing to give him time but I would hate it if he turned out to be a Ghar Jamai (cuckold husband who parks himself in the bride's house) He will have to use his brain cells, the way I used mine to become a celebrity (really brain cells? Or something else?) With this show they have become small time celebrities. But now it is up to them to become someone big. They should turn out as smart as Sharukh Khan, Amir Khan and Salman Khan. So I am giving my would-be a time frame of one or two years."
I have a serious question to Elesh Parujanwala the one had chosen by Rakhi Sawant. If you can be another Sharukh or Aamir Khan in two years time wouldn't be you getting a better bride than a mare item girl who shakes her belly for bread? And how the hell you gonna introduce yourself in public? Rakhi's chosen one, or the father of Rakhi's kids? Tomorrow how you gonna answer your kids if they ask you why you married mom in a game show?
Now Rakhi Sawant is trying to give us a hint by saying " I will also make clear to the winner. I don't believe in live-in relationships. I am an Indian girl and my culture doesnt allow me to sleep around with men. If I allow such liberties what is the difference between me and Firang Ladki? (western girl) I may wear short skirt and low waist jeans (more often won't wear anything) but I am not broad minded in such matters. If he ever crosses his limit, that's it for him. It's over between us."
Helpless poor chaps, came all the way to the well for a drop of water, now the owner of well is refusing to give the water!
Friday, July 24, 2009
Book of Buchanan – Another failed venture!

If you are writing a book, or planning to write a book for sure you know how to hype it up to get the best sales figures, isn’t it? Bitch about someone just smiled at you other day, talk about an affair with your nanny, degrade someone who is currently on his/her peak time, to the extend say you bedded your neighbor’s wife etc. these are few tips to entertain the readers as well as bring the much needed attention to the book. This ritual has been practiced for decades by number of writers and non-writers, and quite remarkable to see them happening over and over again. I am talking about those new writers who are seeking the public consideration desperately. Lately a sentry who guarded Michael Jackson’s house came out with a book accusing MJ as a gay! Next day his ex-nanny published another book claiming MJ’s family members are greedy for the treasure that MJ had hidden somewhere in closet, I am sure if the book has to be published a month ago MJ himself would be searching for this so called treasure that only his nanny knows! After all these hoopla what happens following the book hit shelves? The writer come up with the denial and says his book has taken out of context!! Hoping some more people will buy his book to elucidate who is right the writer or electronic media.
There is one more name to add to the list of writers who made the drone before their book release, it is none other than former Australian cricket coach John Buchanan. He poke at the sleeping tigers without any particular reason other than eying on book sales, as victims always should be big names; here too the story is not different. Buchanan questioned and challenged Indian dummy god Sachin Tendulkar, the wall Rahul Dravid, prince of Kolkatta Sourav Ganguly and probably less coloured them all VVS Laxman in his latest “fictitious” work.
I must admit the fact, I had lost the believe in Buchanan’s ability as coach in the light of his recent deeds especially his “non-performance” as Kolkatta Knight Rider’s coach in second edition of IPL! He was one of the most confused human on earth to come up with the nonsensical multi-captain theory, the whole cricketing world condemned it and made noise, Sourav Ganguly’s (then captain of KKR) fans showed their extreme anger by burning effigies of Buchanan on the streets of Kolkatta, unfortunately one person went unheard about all these buzz is the owner of the team Mr. Sharukh Khan. He paid the price for unwise ignorance in later stage but by the time damages has been done.
There was a strong reason why Buchanan turned as a confused bloke during his tenure with KKR. His Laptop affected by a weird Trojan virus, when he clicked on start button it shuts down the window, when he opened a site for long leg fielding tricks it opened long leg of a white whore in a porno site, clicked on program menu it went to the format options! To fuel the agony he is one coach who always rely on Laptop, what you expect him to do when his laptop is as confused as this? He too mystified just like his laptop and came out with a totally bewildered chap’s typical outlandish thinking!
To me a coach is only as good as the team he has. During Buchanan’s candy days with Cricket
Under the circumstances, Buchanan merely moved with the flow like a true blue blood Australian and stretched out in the reflected glory of the team. However during his tenure there were plenty of whispers of a discord between Buchanan and some of the senior players including Steve Waugh, and Shane Warne. Notably heard by outer world was Warnie’s voice, he had his own share of problems with his wife and girl friends, his marriage was on rock, following all these personal problems that nobody in the world could fix it, he came to the team to see this middle aged man doing nothing but chewing salad sandwiches in regular intervals and taking away the credits and splendors of team’s success! Warnie’s expression published in the news papers “an international team no need a coach” made a furor between him and Buchanan.
Nobody is questioning Buchanan’s right to express his views and expertise about cricket to the media, but he should be able to back them up with his performance. He got carried away with his own perceived importance during his tenure with KKR. Initially plotted and perished, drowned the team with him into mediocrity and failure!
Buchanan’s only success was he managed to keep himself in the spotlight with his amateurish blunders. After IPL disaster the man managed to get himself back on the news lines by allegedly “spilling the beans” act with English coach ahead of Ashes series. For a man who hailed as a greatest cricketing coach in the world following Steve Waugh’s amazing run of success, Buchanan exposed his triviality with his latest acts and statements.
Every publisher with sales figures in their mind will ask the writer to include a chapter or two with a little twist, sex. Classic gimmick to make pre-sale publicity is abuse someone who did nothing to the author. If accused is shocked, and the audience who heard about it is shocked, the book definitely going to be a hit! It is bound to trigger some controversies eventually book sales figures.
But let me tell you something, Buchanan’s book The Future of Cricket: The rise of Twenty 20 is a big yawn. It is not a literal work or any thing that sort. Some one asked him to write about cricket, he wrote it probably while high on drugs!
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Martin Bashir – A moron behind MJ’s death!

Will I be punished for calling moron, a moron? Will I be put behind the bars calling a shameless megalomaniac in that term? If yes, I am ready whole heartedly to go to the jail to spend years; still if I get a laptop I will be calling him the same through all possible websites from the prison. He is not Martin Bashir he is Martin Bash-here!
Why do I have to hate this guy so much?
As everyone knows he is the one who painted Michael Jackson in filthy canvas. He is the one who ate, drunk and breath in Michael Jackson’s expenses for long 8 months for the sick documentary called Living with Michael Jackson which was viewed by 14 million in
Martin Bashir is a British investigative journalist shot into fame by interviewing Lady Diana about her failed marriage with Prince of Wales for BBC in 1995. He came to wide prominence and grown as a celebrity journalist. He too had a small fan following, can be seen signing autographs in major celebrity events. In 1999 Bashir quit BBC to join ITV. ITV paid a huge amount of money for pulling Bashir into their side. As everyone expected Bashir has to show his metal very badly to claim his worth. He was in a tremendous pressure after few mediocre sensational news bits those fell flat. Then he came out with this idea of having interview with Michael Jackson in 2003 with the help of Uri Geller, MJ’s good friend and spoon bender. It supposed to be truth revealing documentary for MJ to show his innocence to the world about child molestation case, ironically, it became the reason for MJ’s downfall!
Uri Geller recommended the iconic pop star to the TV journalist. Bashir proposed that nothing be off-limits in this investigation, a proposal that was accepted by Michael Jackson. Little was known that this documentary would soon cause further scrutiny towards “Wacko Jacko” the name that represented the agonizing final part of his life!
Martin Bashir spent days and nights with King of Pop, he saw, felt and sensed MJ’s day in and day out. He literally lived in MJ’s expense. Knowing this journalist by his work with Lady Diana MJ just trusted this moron blindly and took him along wherever he goes. Concerts, meetings and fun filled journeys. MJ showed Bashir the amazing Neverland like never seen before! Bashir appreciated and promised MJ it going to be an eye opener for the world to know the King of Pop so close and personal!
Rest is history. Bashir’s documentary did exactly opposite to what Michael was expecting and hoping for. It fuelled the downfall of a greatest human being more than a singer, even faster. The documentary is still able to be viewed on YouTube. In these short clips Bashir’s ruthless and heartless attitude of journalism is revealed at the expense of the man who has been wrongly tarnished by the world. From MJ’s view it was like a desperate attempt to clear his name, but fait slapped him again by a fame gluttonous yellow journalist!
All love, charity and help that conveyed by Michael Jackson is conveniently ignored and edited by Bashir, instead he brought up, prioritized child molestation case! When MJ confessed about sleeping with kids but declined any sexual doings Bashir aired only MJ’s word of sleeping with kids! But that is not the main reason why Bashir’s interview is unforgivable. Watching the last part of the documentary is especially moving, as the ‘King of Pop’ has to explain himself regarding Bashir’s awkward questioning on
Martin Bashir earned a lot of money and fame by bringing down a man who always sung, wrote and spoke about love and affection. He literally dismantled the spirit of MJ, it’s only a matter of time before the body gives up. Michael Jackson’s camp responded with their own documentary “Michael Jackson Interview – the footage you never meant to see” Where MJ’s crews had recorded same interview with hidden cameras that even Bashir is not aware of. That is how the world came to know about a fox in a sheep’s garb! It clearly shows how Bahsir had edited and masked MJ's transperant answers and quotes, how he twisted the whole interview to turn against King of Pop! But still I doubt about its publicity and viewer ship that of compare to Bashir’s version!
Martin Bashir is an unethical journalist and an atrocious racist who love to do anything to glorify his own image and status, he is the one brought down Olympic Track Star Marion Jones, an American-African. And
Now Uri Geller says recomending Bashir to MJ was the biggest mistake he did in his entire life, and he considers it as a “betrayal”; perhaps I would say Martin Bashir was the epitome of canny, deceitful men that played a part in Michael’s downfall, and eventual death! Bashir has Michael’s blood on his hands, in his zeal to establish himself as prominent journalist he sacrificed a lovable human being.
The stain of MJ’s blood will never fade out from your hand Mr.Bashir, regardless of your constant approach to wash it off by saying “MJ is the greatest entertainer” after killing him brutally by your unscrupulous way of journalism.
The world that knows Michael Jackson will never forgive you! Never!!
Friday, July 10, 2009
Anna Kournikova - A make shift!

Anna Kournikova is still the center of attraction where ever she goes. In tennis court she moves like a cheetah every time before gives up to the opposition. A tennis sensation from the time she was a teen spent more time posing for the photographs than in the tennis court playing singles!
Now finally she made a make shift to do something better than she has been doing for years, no. I am not exactly talking about her tennis credibility but off-court stories. Her playing career on WTA tour finished long time ago. These days Kournikova focused on getting fans to look at her work rather than her style, but unfortunately her fans are like one big hypnotized community that will see nothing but her look, they apparently told her she can do whatever possible for charity but they will look at her as admirers forever and don’t disallow their rights to do so!
“I never thrived on attention” Kournikova said in an interview recently “I never was in it for attention.”
She is trying to shed her image as over hyped tennis player to transform as a good will ambassador. She became children’s advocate through her work with the clubs of
“With my name I feel like I have a voice” Kournikova said about her plans for visiting the troops in
“Don’t swing so hard, I know you have got a lot of power” Kournikova laughed at a kid who was practicing under her expertise. She crouched to get eye-level while instructing the kid. One of the kids seems pissed off by her bossy attitude and way of talking asked his friend who is this lady. The poor chap didn’t have any idea about Kournikova!
“A lot of them just 8 years old” Kournikova said “they even don’t know who I am”
Moments later she was off to what she is best at. Photo shoot and promotional appearance at the mall, it was nearly interrupted by her huge number of male fans who got too close to Kournikova (hypnotized community) the security needed to intervene to rescue her at the end. Some of them behaved like zombies moving forward with rising hands, didn’t even notice the strong presence of security personalities! Kournikova whisked away to meet and greet, then shuffled off to a VIP tent to have more photos with sponsors.
Kournikova did everything she could possibly do except tennis. She was scheduled to play for the St Louis Aces against the Philadelphia Freedoms in the American-based World Team Tennis. Kournikova wore a protective band on her left wrist to show that she is injured and going to miss the season with wrist injury!
“It is ridiculous, terrible!” between bites of salad, green beans and carrots Kournikova said. The servant from the restaurant almost gone faint, his face became pale like a dead man. “Madam those are fresh vegetable…” poor fellow stammered for words.
“Not to you. I am talking about my injury, I am so bummed.”
Relieved servant gone ahead with his work without showing any embarrassment.
Kournikova has been linked to the singer Enrique Iglesias for long time now, but declined to talk about it when press asked.
Injuries cut short Kornikova’s playing career in 2003, and her latest setback was a reminder why she was never able to stage a serious comeback. “The body is already beat up.” She said. Sprinkling the photo shoot there and here is making her happier than playing tennis. She is the only tennis player in the world who is having more hits on the internet than with the tennis racket that she managed to do while performing.
“I think it is so cool” She said. “It was a lot of hard work; it was a lot of satisfaction for my family and me. It was also fun.”
Sure, she never won a major championship. But Kournikova feels she doesn't have to defend her career - even without an appearance in a singles final in any of the four Grand Slam events.
'It's true. It's statistics,' she said. 'But I look at my other statistics and they perfectly, happily satisfy me.' The press puzzled by her answer, few of them were discussing about it after Kournikova left for another photo shoot, what statistics she was referring to, tennis or something else?
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Michael Jackson’s Ghost – Is it real?

I was totally wrong to think that exciting stories of Michael Jackson are over! And while facing thousands of news and reality bits around the world through electronic media once again MJ strikes! This time with bizarre news of them all!
In the form of Ghost! I am sure few of you must of aware of it; Michael Jackson appeared in Neverland from beyond grave!
Fans of the late King of Pop are debating a sighting of a ghostly figure on CNN late last week as cameras were taken on a guided tour of Michael Jackson's Neverland ranch in
The bizarre footage shows the ghost moving across a hallway half way down the live video. The presenter reporting live and camera crew fail to see the figure.
Video and photo taken from the CNN 'Inside Neverland' Larry King Live special appear to show a ghost like figure scooting across one of the rooms inside one of the main buildings on the Neverland Ranch Michael Jackson used to call home.
Video of the Michael Jackson ghost is captured when the CNN camera is pointed down a long hall-way; suddenly the human shaped shadowy figure appears at its far end.
When I saw the video footage first time around it looked to me as if a shadow of someone walking outside, sneaked through a window. None of the CNN crew noticed it at the time of shooting, after seeing this paranormal figure in the video the king of pop’s fans started calling to CNN office to draw their attention to this peculiar incident, and news didn’t take much time to spread like a wildfire!
As usual there were debates and cross examinations. Let’s inspect this video methodically inch by inch. Let’s see if we can get the truth out of it.
If you look closely to this shadowy image moving left to right, the figure is not transparent over the chimney at the time it was passing. If it is really a ghost or supernatural figure it should be completely transparent according to the ghost experts! Someone came up with this explanations to clarify there is no ghostly act in this video!
Agreed, there is no transparent shadow over the chimney hole while passing it, but then it is a dark background (the Chimney hole) almost the same saturation and darkness of the shadow, so how will some one see the overlapped shadow in front of chimney hole? Not convinced enough? OK, let me make it more clear, face a wall while a bulb illuminating behind you, now you can see your own shadow on the wall, place your hand on your chest, can you see your hand’s shadow? Can you see your finger’s shadow? No! Never!!
Why the shadow is not extensive if it is coming from out side? It has to start from the window to cast over the walking hall. Look at the video one more time; see the shadow moving almost independently as if there is no physical intervention! And finally to destroy all our logical thinking capabilities; this shadow has a shadow!!! (Reflection) Look at the floor while the ghostly image was passing, you can easily spot a mirror image on the shining floor! It is incredibly chilling! CNN interview show was a live program, so there is no scope for stunt show or video editing! Incidentally I recalled MJ’s words that he said it in an interview.
“I don’t like to die; I want to live for ever!”
I am not sure whether it is MJ’s ghost though...
...then who was that if it is not MJ?